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Jeongguk went to bed that day without meeting anyone in the empty hallways. Honestly, he wasn't sure if he even wanted to meet jimin.

Did they fight or not?

Was jimin mad at him or did he maybe just had a bad day or something?

He didn't know.

So he told himself that he would look for jimin the next day before falling asleep.

Turns out, he didn't have to wait.

Around ten minutes before jeongguk's alarm went off, the blone haired was already knocking on the younger's door.

"Hey, jeongguk..."

His voice sounded muffeled because of the wall between them, so jeongguk hopped out of his bed as fast as possible and opened the door for his friend.

"Hey, jimin..."

The situation was very awkward. Jimin was now sitting on a small chair in jeongguks living room.

Actually, the room consisted of an old sofa, some cupboards, that were filled with nothing, and the said chair that jimin was sitting on now.

And finally, after a few more moments of silence, jimin spoke up first.

"Sooo... I am sorry for yesterday, jeongguk. It was unfair to say what I said when i couldn't even do it better. I just expected you to have done somewhat.. more? We decided on that months ago after all."

Jeongguk nodded a little, looking at his lap.

" 'm sorry, too. I said I was gonna do it and I didn't, sooo..."

With a sigh, jimin lifted himself up from the chair, sitting down next to the dark haired on the couch.

"Its fine. We dont need a plan that fails just because we didnt take us enough time. If we both can't think of something, we will just have to wait, I guess." He shrugged.

Again, a small nod from jeongguk.


Jimin just smile at him and pulled him into a short hug.

"Who knows, maybe taehyung has an idea." He joked, trying to cheer the younger up.

Jeongguks eyes went wide at that. "I was with him yersterday, jimin! He had legs!"

The events from yesterday suddenly came back to his mind. Jimin's face lit up immediately and he started clapping his hands excitedly.


But then the rest of the memories from the last evening also made their way back into jeongguk's brain.

"Uhmmm... But he can't walk."

"Thats fine, we will make him walk. Or put him in a wheelchair." It seems like there was no problem for jimin.

After the elder finally calmed down a little, he somehow got lost in his thoughts for a few moments.

Then, suddenly, he almost screamed: "Wait, you saw him naked?!" A dramatic expression was on his face.

Jeongguk faceplamed himself.

"No! He was sitting between the blankets!"

The dramatic expression was soon changed with an understanding one.



But it didn't take three seconds for jimin's brain to produce the next, totally random, thought.

"Can I style him?"

Now, that confused jeongguk a little.

"Style what?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Pick clothes and everything!"

Jimin was way to exicted for his own good. He was already thinking about how to dress the mermaid.

"Ohh, jeongguk. Should I put him in fishnets?" The older nearly fell of the couch because of his laughing.

And jeongguk was once again confused.

Was this joke supposed to be funny?

Probably, it wouldn't be a joke otherwise...

But to answer the question. "No, don't put him in fishnets. We don't want attention, remember?"

Jimin didn't really seem to listen anymore, his thought were off to a completely different topic.

How should he style taehyung's hair?

He definitly needed to make a plan.

"Jeongguk, nice talk we had, but i have to go. See you at lunch, byeee!" With that he left jeongguks apartment again, disappearing as quick as he came.

And jeongguk started contemplating what he should have for breakfast.

A rather important question, right?


Soo, that was my last chapter that I had pre-written. I'll try to write as soon as possible.

mafia's mermaid//taekookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon