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Jeongguk ordered from McDonald's. It was cheap and it tasted... fine?


Sadly, McDonald's wouldn't deliver the food, so jeongguk had to walk and pick everything up himself.

Luckily it wasn't that far away.

He had his hood over his head and a mask on, so no one would recognize him. Maybe he should have taken the sunglasses with him, too.

Just in case.

But now he was back at the building again, in the basement, ready to open the door to taehyung's room.

The whole basement was still dirty and dark, except for the the mermaid's room of course. But jeongguk grew used to it by now.

He would just ignore it.

So he opened the door to the only clean room and switched on the lights.

But what he saw wasn't quite what he had expected.

Obviously, he had expected the mermaid. In his pool.

But instead he was faced with taehyung sitting between the blankets that were still there from last night.

To be a little more specific, taehyung, without a tail.

His lower body was covered by the blankets, but there was no tail.

To distract from the awkward situation, taehyung started waving at jeongguk slowly.


And the angel finally closed his mouth.

So now he was standing next to the door, the paper bags from McDonald's still in his hands, not knowing what to do.

"Ehh... Hi?"

Slowly, he started making his way over to the mermaid.

Or, less of a mermaid as the other somehow lost his tail now, right?

"So... I have food?"

Jeongguk placed the bags on the floor, still not wanting to address the obvious.

Taehyung shifted around to reach one of the bags.

"What is this? It looks... cheap."

"It is cheap. That's why I got it."

Finally, jeongguk sat down on the blankets, too, even though he left quite a big space between them.

"Oh... it's actually not that bad to be honest!" Taehyung exclaimed while chewing on some chicken nuggets.

The angel just nodded.

"Anyways, look at me! I've dried!" The blue haired seemed to be very ecstatic about his transformation.

"I can see. But it is still fishy to me. Where did your tail go?" Jeongguk now stared looking a little more closely, but that didn't exactly help him to understand.

Taehyung started pouting.

"You think so? I don't think I'm fishy... I have legs now!" He sticked his toes out from under the blankets, wiggling around with them a little.

"Oh... no, I didn't meant it like that, I- ... whatever. How?"

Suddenly, taehyung facepalmed himself.

"Right! I forgot! I only told jimin!"

So he quickly started to repeat what he told jimin just a few hours ago and slowly, jeongguk began to catch up on what was going on.

Everything made a little more sense now.

After giving the angel the most important information, taehyung moved on to some tiny details, that were absolutely unnecessary, but jeongguk listened to them anyways.

The blue haired was happily munching on a burger when suddenly something seemed to come to his mind.

"But jeongguk, there is a little problem..." he stared, looking a little guilty. "I can't walk. I've tried, but it doesn't work!"

Jeongguk had to chuckle at the mermaid's upset expression.

"It's fine. I couldn't walk either when I came here. But seokjin taught me and I'm sure we can teach you, too."

"Really?" In just a few seconds taehyung seemed happy again.

"Yes, we will do that. Jimin told me that we are going to the beach, right? We don't want to carry you." Jeongguk laughed. "And we will give you something to wear. We don't go around naked here."

Taehyung nodded excitedly.

"But loose, please. You probably don't want to know, but the skin kinda... gets ripped open when it gets too dry. It's fragile." The mermaid seemed satisfied with the explanation, even if he should most likely have explained it a little more.

He would do it next time, maybe with jimin and seokjin being there, too.

"I'll see what I can do." With that jeongguk left the basement, trying not to think about how 'ripped skin' would look like.

Just the imagination was pretty... disgusting.


Trying to make it a little more realistic by adding disgusting details... probably not one of my best ideas. But I didn't want to go for a "magic" concept.

mafia's mermaid//taekookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant