During their distracted state, Katsuki would use his quirk to blast both in front and behind him. Unit 001 assured him that he would be fine, and the others would be taken off guard. As he could now mimic the effects of the quirk suppressant, he would inject a dosage of it to the warp-user, Kurogiri. That would eliminate him as an obstacle aside from physical force.

The blast in front would put them off balance, giving Unit 001 a chance to bypass them. With his systems at 30%, his speed was sufficient enough to pull this off. The second blast would blow away the wall, giving them complete access to the outside world.

At that point, it would be up to Katsuki to lead them to a safe place, as he had more knowledge of the world beyond that point. But both of them would be free. With all of the variables accounted for, this plan had a 75% chance of complete success, taking into account human error.

[Notice: The device in the far corner is broadcasting. Signal: Unknown.]

Unit 001 halted, watching the TV from the vent. It was on? Why was it on? It had not been on prior to this. It was blank, giving off an inconspicuous guise, but Unit 001 knew better.

It was a good thing he never stepped before it, his cover may have been blown if he had.

There was someone watching behind the screen, someone the hostile human Shigaraki, Tomura called 'Sensei'.

It was brief, but he had encountered that person during the early days of his capture. He had tried to do something to him but without luck. The only thing it managed was to increase the damage hiding beneath his damaged armor. He stopped before Unit 001 was forced to really shut down.

From that day forth, that person was marked as the largest threat. That someone, who Shigaraki could ask for help from even though he had to of been far away, was dangerous.

Much more than these humans here.

[Possibility of Success: 75% 45%]

Unit 001's plan's success rate drops by 30 points at this fact. If it was just these humans, which he had studied for a long while, it would be fine. But it was not. That human was also involved, and he could not fight that human in his current state.

This put Bakugou, Katsuki in far more danger than first anticipated.

"Kurogiri, Compress, make him go to sleep again," Shigaraki ordered. The two called began advancing on the boy, who readied himself for their attack.

"I can't believe he's such a bad listener," Compress said, sighing as he walked forward, "I'm almost impressed."

"If you want me to listen to you then get on your knees and die!" Katsuki retorted, but the wariness in his eyes was clear. If Unit 001 was able to take care of the warp-gate, he'd be able to use his explosions freely. For some reason, he felt a lot more energized than he had before. He was sure it had something to do with what Unit 001 did.

For a moment, a brief, silent moment, he tried to find Unit 001. He'd told him that he would be waiting in the vents for the perfect time to start their plan. He had to stop himself from reacting when he found him, that electric blue eyes glowing vibrantly in the darkness of the vent.

'...What the fuck.'

In this situation, that image was kinda fucking scary.

Nah, it was absolutely fucking terrifying.

'Whaaaat in the fuck.'

Unit 001 would have made the other students at camp shit themselves if they saw him right now.

And somehow, It only got worse.

'What the actual ever-loving god of what the fuck.'

Unit 001 quietly made his way out of the vent, resetting his body to normal without their notice. Katsuki saw him, his eyes widening from the extremely disturbing sight. It took everything in him not to cringe or give away that he was looking at something other than them. But...

'The fuck am I even seeing?'

It was like someone setting their multiple dislocated limbs in the right place again, but without sound. He could see him twitching and jerking in different directions, his sight never leaving the group in front of him. He was twice his regular size, but thin and stretched in an unnatural, horrid way.

In the darkness, he looked like Slenderman with a single blue, glowing eye. He could see when the joints were supposed to make a sound as they popped back in, his body striking down to normal.

'No wonder he said I would fucking die! What the fuck is this shit?! How is he not dead?! H-how is he okay doing that to himself?! How the fuck did he do that to himself?!'

That process, for any human, would have been so excruciatingly painful. Katsuki was sure he was witnessing some type of horror show.

It confirmed his thoughts that Unit 001 couldn't be human. Was he some type of robot Nomu? No, that wasn't it, either. There were so many "what the fuck"s going through his mind he could hardly process what he was seeing.

He was going to have nightmares. He was sure of it. Damn it.

Unit 001, on the other hand, found this process normal. Though there was slight damage to his endoskeleton from the forceful dislocation, it was not something that would not heal itself within a few minutes of resetting. It took only a little of his energy to repair that insignificant damage. He only truly had to worry about the wires, which is why he concentrated on them mostly throughout his time here.

It was now time for him to make his distraction. Unit 001 prepared to make a blaring, loud alarm go off, similar to when he first encountered the humans. The suddenness of the loud sound would startle them, as they had planned.

A 45% chance of success was better than nothing.

Both he and Bakugou, Katsuki braced themselves in preparation for the next part of their plan. But the moment they were ready to begin there was a knock at the door.

"Hello, this is Pizza-La, Camino Store."

The wall on the adjacent side of the room was blasted away with the mighty yell of "Smash", and Unit 001's plan fell to ruin with the tumbling bricks of the wall.

[Possibility of Success: 45% ɆⱤⱤØⱤ]

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