It unnerved Katsuki how easily Unit 001 could go from moving, talking, and being alive, to this still and broken doll within moments. He'd gone back to the exact place he'd gotten up from, even moving the subtle pieces of junk back to where they were before he moved. It almost made him think that their interaction was a lie.

But he knew that it wasn't.

And then they waited. Though Katsuki continued to let out his string of muffled, angry, and colorful swears about everything.

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The villains came back after another hour.

Nothing had been moved, nothing was out of place. Katsuki was right where they left him in the exact same state they left him in. His muffled curses stopped, but his glare at them was the same as before. Though they could see that he was worn down from being left alone in the dimly lit room like that.

Just as they hoped.


"Why do I have to do it? Do you see him? He'll bite me." He said. They all looked at him.

"You lost the bet."

"Sorry, Dabi. Get it over with, coward!"

"Ugh... Fine..." Dabi made his way over to the feral teen that was glaring daggers at him. He removed the muzzle, careful to avoid his teeth. When he was done he got out of the way quick.

The boy tested his mouth without the muzzle, something they expected since he was in here for a while with it on. After giving him a bit of time, Shigaraki spoke to him again.

"Katsuki, join the League of Villains," Shigaraki said, his tone was a calm one. His suggestion was followed by the same colorful response from the ash-blonde, if not even more colorful than before.

"Go decay your d**k f*cking yourself, crusty b*tch. Die while you're at it."

They were so sure that his increased anger was because of being kept in the room in restraints.

They didn't even spare a glance at the junk in the corner. It had been there for months now. While the first few days they thought it would cut back on, they deduced that it was completely broken, useless. So, its only use after that was serving as a punching bag whenever they felt stressed.

It, surprisingly, was extremely durable. They had tried to scrap it for parts, but that proved to be a bust as nothing could truly get through it. So they ended up at square one with it.

But its durability made it that much more valuable as a punching bag; it could withstand their quirks. Though it bent, scorched, and rusted, it did not break.

Though sometimes that hard metal would prick them, which only served to make them angry and hit it more. By the time they left, all of their stress and frustration had been sated. It always felt better to hit something. The only one who didn't participate in this activity was Kurogiri.

The mist was never mad, always calm.

No one suspected anything, because no normal person would be able to withstand what they'd put that robot through and not crack.

At first, they thought that it was pretending, but it had been months, MONTHS, of them torturing the thing. There was no way it was still functioning. No lights, no sounds, nothing.

They even had the doctor check it. He assumed that when it was still online, it could mimic the functions of the human body; A heartbeat, brainwaves, and blood flow.

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