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Felix was walking down the hallway when Chan walked out of the room freshen up "hey dad! What's up?"

"Ji! I'm just going downstairs. Can you do me a favor?" Chan asked Felix who hummed in agreement. "Can you look after Jeongin? Please." Felix nodded assuringly as Chan walked away. "Wait Ji! How do I look? Presentable?" Chan asked, trying to get reassurance.

Felix nodded "you look great dad!" Chan smiled contentedly before running down to the elevator.

Once he was in the lobby Chan looked around where he last saw Minho but had no luck spotting him.

"Dad!" Jisung startled him. "I thought you were going to keep Jeongin company?" Chan asked his son, confused. "I was? I mean yeah I am. I was just looking for him."

Jisung said, looking around before throwing himself on Chan. "Great to see you dad!" Jisung said finally seeing his dad after all summer. "Good to see you, squirrel." Chan laughed at his son's behavior. That's when noticed his son's formal attire. "What are you wearing?

"Trying something new." Jisung came up on the spot. "That's great Ji. Now go on and go back upstairs." Chan said, ushering his son back to the room. Jisung then hummed happily waiting for the next elevator.

When the door opened a tall blonde immediately addressed him "Have you seen your dad?" Jeongin was irritated that the older one abandoned him.

"You're talking to me?" Jisung asked never once seeing the other who rolled his eyes "Don't play dumb with me. Yes I am talking to you." Jeongin said glaring at Jisung. "Oh Jeongin." Jisung smirked and nodded, finally meeting the person who his twin was talking about. "I just saw him." Jisung said, making Jeongin snap his fingers "well hello? Where is he?"

Jisung then pointed towards the opposite side he saw his dad walk off "he went that way." Jisung then took his time to examine the tall young blonde and smiled knowing why his dad was dating him.

Jeongin grimaced at the stare Jisung was giving him "what are you looking at?" He spat and Jisung only smiled sweetly "nothing, you're just really pretty."

Jeongin rolled his eyes "Suddenly you're going to be nice to me? If you see your dad, tell him he's late." Jeongin said and walked off.

"Whatever you say cruella"

Minho had his forehead against the cold bar trying to soothe his hangover as Jeongin entered the hotel lounge. The bartender finished mixing up the drink and placed in front the honey blonde "here we go. Don't ask what's in it, this will cure you right away." Minho looked up at the drink and sighed.

He then looked to his side and looked at the young blonde, two seats down "here's to..here's to you. May your life be way less complicated than mine." Minho said, giving the male a smile and taking a swing of his drink.

"Thank you." Jeongin thanked the cheer and turned to the bartender "a Gin and Dubbonet with a slice of lemon, two ice cubes." Minho then belched making Jeongin look at him scandalized by the action "Excuse me. I think I just drank the ocean." Minho apologized for his actions.

"Here is your drink. And your bill Mr .Lee." The bartender set down the respective items to each other. Minho immediately signs his bill and slides it over. Jeongin curiously looked at the name and almost choked on his drink, his eyes widened at the name "You're Lee Minho?"

Minho looked at him and timidly smiled, "Guilty."

At the response Jeongin gasps in delight and scoots the seat near Minho "Oh my god. I just saw a wedding suit you designed in elle and I fell in love with it. I called your office just yesterday and they told me you were out of the country and didn't know when you would return. It's like this is fate. I'm Yang Jeongin."

Jeongin rambled and leaned over to shake Minhos hand. Startled by the overly hyped blonde Minho shyly shakes his hand.


Parent Trap SKZ AU ♡︎ Minchan Where stories live. Discover now