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"Sungie, I can't do anything about it. Your dad is a grown adult, a big boy and he can do whatever he wants." Seungmin said sternly after Felix immediately questioned why he would let his dad bring some stranger around.

"Okay okay Seungmin. Then who is he?" Felix sighed in defeat wanting to know more about the situation. "His name is Yang Jeongin. He's a marketing consultant and your dad hired him during the summer for the record label. If you ask me, he's marketing himself better than these albums." Seungmin rambled angrily. He could clearly tell the blonde's intentions. "What do you mean?"

A loud obnoxious giggle interrupted their conversation. "Oi." Seungmin rolled his eyes "look we know your dad isn't some kind of crazy bachelor who dates all the time. So what's a hot young thing like that looking at a dude who practically only wears black with sprinkles from his childish lunch? Then I realized all the reason was all the money in the bank." Seungmin stated annoyed

"You don't think he likes him?" Felix asked, noting Seungmins' annoyance as he looked outside his window grossed out as his dad hugged the blonde who clung onto him. "Well, don't listen to me. What I will tell you is that this one has your dad wrapped around his finger. They are glued together, they do everything together. Why don't you meet him and decide for yourself, don't let me influence you." Seungmin finished unpacking taking the basket full of laundry downstairs.


After a while Felix finally made his way down to the pool where he found his dad and his friend. "There's my baby! Ji I want you to meet my friend. This is Yang Jeongin." Chan said and he presented the two.

Jeongin was young, hot, and elegant. His blonde hair was fresh out of the salon and neatly styled. He was wearing designer, and probably personality tailored clothes. Not to mention the gold jewelry. "Hi!" Jeongin greeted the twelve year old with a big smile. Felix, keeping a blank face, greeted back "Hi, Yang Jeongin."

"I can't believe it, I'm finally meeting the famous Jisung. You know I've been dying all summer to meet you." Jeongin exclaimed happily. "Well I'm here."

Jeongin turned to Chan "Oh my Channie, he's adorable!" Making the older smile at the great interaction. "You know your dad talks about you all the time, I thought I was going to see a little boy but you're all grown up."

Felix's mentality gagged at the nickname and finally thought of something. "Thanks. I'll be thirteen soon. What about you?"

Chan nervously laughed while Jeongin smiled "twenty four." Jeongin replied, making Felix nod at the new found information. "Only eleven years older than me. And you dad? Remind me of your age again." Felix turned to his dad who immediately stood up. "Math is great, I've never seen you be this interested in the subject Ji. You know what, I'm going to get some more fairy bread and maybe some champagne to celebrate."

Furrowing his eyebrows at the statement Felix looked between the two "celebrate what?"

Jeongin noticed the panic in the olders demeanor and decided to step up "You coming back home!" Chan sent him a thankful smile before heading inside. Jeongin's phone rang, making Felix walk over and finally dip his feet inside the pool. "Yang Jeongin speaking."

Taking off his sunglasses Felix could hear the conversation clearly. "Yes I am sure Mr. Bang would love to but sadly he will be out of the country those days." Jeongin said to the other line making Felix look up once heard those words.

Once he saw Jeongin hang up Felix turned to face him "How was summer camp? Was it amazing, just like the movies?" Jeongin asked, faking interest. "My dad's going out of the country?" Felix ignored the blonde's questions and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Jeongin waved his hand "oh no sweetie, it was just a little lie to help him out. Speaking of your dad, I have never met a man who loves his child more than Channie does. You two are really close."

Felix smirked at the blonde's words "We are more than close. We are all we got." Felix said standing up and jumping into the pool clearly calculating his actions. When he lands a big splash of water makes its direction towards Jeongin who shrieks when the water hits his expensive clothes.

"Sorry Jeongin! Did I get you wet?" Felix asked, faking concern. Jeongin forced a smile "Just a bit Ji." After drying himself down he walked closer to the pool and decided to get back at the kid. "So Ji, me and your dad went go karting and he let me borrow yours. You don't mind right?"

"Of course not Jeongin! The other ones always use it and compared to the others you seem to be the most decent one so far." Felix said once he finally figured out his gameplan. "Others?" Jeongin asked since he was under the impression the famous producer didn't date. Felix internally cheered, noticing how the blonde looked irritated. "You want the inside scoop?"

"What's the inside scoop?"

"All access information on all the past ones. You know I would want to know about the last twenty one..actually twenty two.."

"I'm number twenty three?" Jeongin gaped his hand against his chest. "Yes. It's always the same old same old. You know, dinner every night, go karting, and his famous reserved champagne for celebrations." Felix said watching the blonde clicked his tongue in annoyance. Just in cue Chan returned back "finally got it, my famous reserved champagne for celebrations." Chan said pointing at the bottle. "Did you two find something to talk about while I was gone?"

Felix decided to dive inside the water while Chan turned to the blonde "Yes Channie, we did."


Parent Trap SKZ AU ♡︎ Minchan Where stories live. Discover now