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Felix had begged his Appa to let him go to summer camp after watching a movie about it, wanting nothing more than to spend his summer away from the stuffy city in Seoul and outside in the Californian wilderness. He did not plan to spend the rest of summer camp time in the isolation cabin where walking to the dining hall was a workout and all his activities were revoked. No more tennis, no more basketball, no more friends.

It had been a struggle between the two twelve year olds to adjust to living together. While Jisung was trying to sleep Felix had the lights on writing in his journal. Each turning off and on the lights from their sides only to initiate a fight between the two.

How would the rest of camp go?

Of course it wouldn't be summer without some rain. A few days in the isolation cabin a storm passes through camp. Everyone rushed from the lake and their activities back to their cabins.

Meanwhile the twins were locked up in the cabin as usual. Jisung had enough of laying down and decided to decorate his side of the cabin by putting up posters of his favorite celebrities and lots of stationery to match his aesthetic. In the midst of his arrangements the wind howled through the window knocking down some of Jisungs posters. Jisung ran to try and close the window but he couldn't seem to get it to close.

Felix looked at the struggling boy and rushed off his bed to help him close it. "It's stuck!" Using their strength together they were finally able to close it. "Thank you." Jisung said sincerely for the first time. Felix smiled at that. "Welcome."

Jisung then rushed to pick up his belongings and Felix helped, his hands finding a small quokka plushie. "here's your.."

"Quokka." Jisung said reaching over and putting him back on his bed. "Is everything else alright?" Felix asked, looking at the scattered pictures on the floor. . "Only this one." Jisung said sadly looking at his favorite musician poster.

"How far away is Seoul?" Jisung decided to ask as he cleaned up his mess. "Almost 6,000 miles away but sometimes it feels like millions and you?" Felix sighed softly as he was slowly starting to get homesick and trying to help pick the mess. "Farther, 7,500 miles away. I'm from Sydney, Australia." Jisung looked at him and reached for the picture. "Actually here's a picture of my house." Jisung handed it over to Felix who accepted it.

"It's amazing, we have a whole studio inside and we have a balcony-"

"Whose this?" Felix interupered as his eyes immediately looked at the man in the picture who looked so familiar. "Oh that's my dad! He's my best friend. We do everything together!"

Felix couldn't help but feel goosebumps as he dropped the picture and went back to his bed. "What's wrong?" Jisung asked, confused by the reaction. "Nothing. it's just cold here."

Jisung decided to look through his stash and pulled out his secret package of TimTams. "Want some? They're Australian chocolate." Jisung offered excitedly. "I actually have tried them before and they were really good but hard to find in Seoul." Felix said, "really?"

Felix nodded and Jisung walked over to sit next to him, sharing the chocolates. "What are your parents like? Are they the kind who are always working? Or are you lucky enough to have two caring parents?" Jisung asked, munching on the sweet treat.

"I actually only have my Appa, he had me when he was young apparently, and my other father, I'm not sure. My parents divorced. Appa doesn't talk about him at all. It's like he disappeared." Felix replied honestly, reaching for a chocolate. Jisung nodded at the information.

"And how old are you?"

"I'll be thirteen on September fifteen."

Jisung choked on his chocolate after hearing the response. "Me too!" He exclaimed when he calmed down. "Your birthday is also September fifteen?" Felix asked furrowing his eyebrows. Jisung nodded "that's so weird." Felix added as they both agreed.

"It stopped raining! Let's go get some food or something!" Jisung rushed outside immediately but when he turned around he noticed Felix lagging behind. "Hurry up."

"Jisung..What about your other parent?"

"I don't have one. My dad and appa separated when I was young or something. My dad doesn't really like to talk about the past. But I do know my appa was so beautiful and perfect." Jisung replied a bit saddened by the topic. "How do you know that?" Felix asked intrigued.

"My dad had a very old picture of him in his studio, he always caught me staring at it so he just gave it to me....Now can we go to the dining hall? I'm starving!" Jisung answered the question but Felix shook his head "Jisung! Don't you get it?"

"Get what?"

Felix ignored him and walked back into the cabin "Let's think, I only have an Appa and you only have a dad. I only have a picture of my dad and you only have a picture of your Appa. Granted you probably have a full picture because the one I have is ripped down the middle.."

Jisung rushed to his pictures startling Felix "this is the picture of my Appa and it's also ripped down the middle.." Jisung trailed off watching Felix also pull out his picture.

The twins held their respective pictures against their chest looking at each other "this is insane." Felix ushered finally realizing the possibilities. "At the count of three we reveal them okay?" Jisung nods.




As they reveal the picture they instantly line up exactly where it was ripped down the middle. "That's my dad!" Jisung said in awe "and that's my Appa." Felix replied looking at their parents. The lunch bell interrupts their moment "I'm suddenly not hungry anymore.." Jisung said, wiping away his tears.

"If your Appa is my Appa and if my dad is your dad. Were both born on September fifteen then that means we are... brothers.." Jisung concluded by crying again.

"Jisung were more than brothers, we're twins!" Felix pulled in for a hug as they cried. Jisung immediately reached for his necklace. "What's that?"

"It's a pendant I've had since I was born that has a J engraved in it.."

"I also have one and mine got an F on it!"

"Oh my gosh." The two exclaimed before hugging for the first time as twins.


Parent Trap SKZ AU ♡︎ Minchan Where stories live. Discover now