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The four seasons hotel, a five star luxury hotel, would be the place where everyone would be this weekend. The problem? Not everyone knew that piece of information.

Jeongin looked at the time then back at his parents. "They'll be here any minute now. Now be nice dad, he's everything I've ever wanted plus millions more." Jeongin told his dad, Hyojong. "Then I'll make sure to be nice."

Just in time Jeongin turned around and spotted Chan "there he is!" before hearing Berry barking "with the whole motley crew." Jeongin said sourly before putting on a smile and walking to hug Chan. "Hi channie!" Jeongin greeted him with a kiss before turning to the rest.

"Jisung, Seungmin, and Berry, what are you doing here?" Jeongin said with a forced smile "Channie, a dog at the four seasons?"

"Ji begged me to bring her with us." Jeongin gave him a forced smile "you're such a sweet dad." Jeongin reached to pet Berry but she barked instantly startling the blonde. "Good girl." Seungmin whispered under his breath.

"So Jeongin, these are your parents?"

Jeongin smiled and turned around introducing his parents to Chan. "Mom, dad, this is my fiance and the love of my life, Bang Chan."

"Chan nice to meet you. I'm Hyuna." Jeongins mom greeted him followed by Hyojong.

"And this is Chan's son, Jisung. This whole trip was his idea." Jeongin introduced the kid to his parents.
"How are you Jisung? We've heard wonderful things about you." Hyojong said while Hyuna leaned down

"hello pet. You may call me aunt Hyuna!" Felix couldn't even hide his appalled look even if his life depended on it. He looked at his dad who was apologizing with his eyes.

Meanwhile the limousine parked in front of the hotel, Hyunjin got off and put on his shades to block the strong Australian sun and then opened the door for his boss. He extended his arm but instead Minho stuck out his foot "Other Limb hyung." Hyunjin said, making Minho laugh uncontrollably.

"Oops silly me." Minho then got out of the car drinking the last sip of the tiny liquor bottle and threw it over his shoulder and finally put on his shoes. Hyunjin luckly caught the bottle. "What a great flight! Technology I tell you, it was so fast. Amazing, it felt like a few seconds, truly the best."

"I've never seen you this thirsty hyung." Hyunjin said, helping Minho put on his shoes. "That's because, my dear Hyunjinnie, I've never tried vodka before." Minho said still struggling with his shoes while Jisung tried his best to help his Appa not lose his balance. "You could've fooled me hyung." Hyunjin nervously said at the confession.

"Well let's get the show on the road you two!" Minho drunkenly stated. "I am in deep trouble." Jisung mumbled to himself because this was not part of the plan and he didn't know what he would say to his twin.

"I'm sure we can get the ballroom for the wedding, it will be perfect!" Jeongin explained, already envisioning the big day. "Not too big and not too small.." Jeongin rambled to the entourage behind him. Berry then started pulling Seungmin as she excitedly sniffed a familiar scent. "Berry!" Seungmin and Felix rushed after her.

"A wedding at the house would be great Channie but this would be fabulous." Jeongin wrapped his arms around Chans shoulder. "We're all checked in. Let's freshen up and meet by the pool for lunch." Jeongin suggested. "Perfect darling. We'll meet you both there." Jeongins parents agreed and walked off.

Jeongin then clinged onto Chan's side and whispered in his ear "Channie~ since we're here. Why don't we check the honeymoon suite shall we?" Jeongin said seductively and Chan liked the idea.

Minho got them all checked in despite his state but as they got on the elevator Minho stopped the doors from closing, as he rushed out "I forgot my phone!" and made his way over to the front desk.

Berry finally found her rightful owner and stopped right at the elevator door where Jisung and Hyunjin were. "Berry!" Jisung exclaimed happily and Berry pulled out of Seungmin's grip rushing past the luggage startling Hyunjin. The elevator door closed and they took Berry with them.

When Minho got his phone back he walked to the elevator standing next to Felix who was startled finally seeing his appa. "Appa!" Seungmin immediately turned around not wanting Felix to get caught.

"Sweetheart, you didn't have to wait for me. I could've found my way up just fine. I actually need some fresh air. Go on love, I'll meet you upstairs." Minho slurred one or two words. Felix stared at his Appa in confusion smelling how he reeked of alcohol.

Minho then walked off before turning around "I like that jacket. Were you wearing that before?" Minho was careless at how he almost ran into a flower arrangement. "Appa watch out!"


Seungmin stared in shock seeing Minho like that. "He's totally drunk!" Felix shouted in disbelief "he never drinks and he chooses today to start? And show up totally drunk!" Felix said looking at Seungmin who was helplessly out of words. "Well, do as he says and meet him upstairs." Seungmin ushers them into the elevator.

Jeongin and Chan took the next empty elevator, Chan wrapping his arms around the blonde's waist as Jeongin trailed kisses down his neck. That's when Chan looks up and pales at his sight.

Lee Minho.

Minho was walking back to finally catch an elevator when his eyes instantly met Chans. Chan's eyes wide as he stares while the elevator doors close.

All Minho could do was give him a timed wave.


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