"I can't do this" I opened my eyes panting with tears falling. I couldn't relive this moment. I can't listen to my parents scream for help. I couldn't listen to my dad tell me he loved us for the last time. I can't bare to look at the scare on my thigh that will never go away.

The vacation home was sold last year because me and Kayden refuse to keep it. To this day Kayden blames me, for not trying hard enough, for not moving quick enough.. and I blame me too.

"Jules it wasn't your fault some sick bastard did this to your family. You did all you could've done. You made your parents proud just by making it out alive and being the woman you are today. You did what you were suppose to do." These words felt different know , it felt like a relief to me. It felt real, it felt true.  "Have a tissue" she leaned foward with the box and I took one gracefully.

The person who did this was my dad brother Damon? Supposedly Damon's been jealous of dad his whole life and was broke and needed money so he did what he did, and I hate him so much for it. I hate the fact he's behind bars instead of being dead. I want to kill him with my own bare hands, I want him to plead and cry as I torture him for every last drip of blood. I want his head on a platter.

"Jules,you went through more than you can handle. Have you ever tried looking at your parents death differently?"

I shook my head "it's hard to see it any other way. " Alison nodded setting her notepad down.

"What if I told you there's a chance your parents are happy right now. That they are at peace with each other. That they are happy with each other right now. The only thing that's holding you back is you. That you're not ready to heal from this."

Alison took a sip of her coffee "Tell me Jules, when's the last time you visited their grave?" Never.

"I haven't been, I never visited. It's too hard"

Alison clasped her hands together. "How do you feel about, writing down the things you want to say to them, things you want to tell them. Such as rosen or friendships or relationships. Then when you're ready to visit, tell them everything."

"How will talking to a grave stone going to help?"

"It won't help if you look at it like that. Just try and tell me how it works out. I'll see you next Wednesday?"

"Yea sure" I wiped my sweaty palms on my sweatpants as Alison left. I feel like a huge weight is lifted off my chest, and for once I have hope that I will be okay.

I went in the bedroom to check on rosen and she was sound asleep. I crawled in bed next to her and silently watched her as a couple tears fell from my eyes. Mom would be so proud.


I rolled my eyes at mother as we sat in the doctor office "I'm not trying to become a grandma this early." She broke the silence as I rolled my eyes again.

"Just because I had my first kiss doesn't mean I have to go on birth control . Are you supplying kayden with condoms because he finally held hands with a girl?" Oh wait they did.

"Jules calm down. I went on the pill at your age. It's so that you're always prepared"

I waved my hands around "I'm fithteen !! What do I look like getting down and dirty"

"I know at your age, now and days girls and boys move faster than they did when I was a kid. I just want to make sure you're safe"

"I don't even want kids!"

"Girl- calm down" mom smacked my thigh playfully. "You'll change your mind when you get older. You'll be a wonderful mom. I can feel it"

Opening my eyes as I heard my phone going off. I answered it quickly not to wake rosen.

"What?" I asked groggily.

"It's Kayden. He needs you really badly"

A/n We all need a little therapy in life

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We all need a little therapy in life.
What's your bad habit?

Mine is ignoring people and giving them the cold shoulder.

Jules' Curse (#2) Where stories live. Discover now