the boys nodded in agreement and Lou left.

the entire dinner was super awkward no one was talking and nick was just holding my hand under the table.

Justin was in front of me, Kevin beside me and nick obviously on the other side.

"well, uhm I'm Kevin, that's nick, AJ, Howie, brian and y/n" Kevin pointed, and tried making a conversation.

"I'm Lance, that's justin, JC, Chris and Joey" Lance introduced, I'm pretty sure that introduction made things more awkward.

We ate quietly Nick giving Justin little glares making me kick his shin, well I thought it was his that's until Justin gave me a "what was that for" look

"sorry" I mumbled.

After eating we had put the dishes in the sink, I'll just clean it later.

"well do you guys uhm want to watch?" I asked sitting beside nick on the couch.

"mhmm" nick hummed in response, again hugging me, man wasn't he clingy today.

"let's watch Lou's se-" AJ started.

"Ok! AJ! not today yea? let's just watch uhmm spider man!" I cut AJ off, AJ and his hormones, god that man was horny.

Kevin put in spider man and we all watched, Justin was usually very fidgety so in the middle he took my hand and played with my fingers.

nick swatted his hands away frowning at Justin.

"nick just watch the movie" I rolled my eyes.

"but he's clearly trying to hit on you" nick stated irritated.

"I am not hitting on her, I'm simply playing with her fingers how is that hitting on a girl" Justin shot back.

"Well you're touching her!" nick yelled crossing his arms.

"nick stop acting like a child, and just watch" I said trying to just watch.

"yea, Nicky" Justin laughed.

"Justin" I warned.

"Fuck off!" Nick got up about to throw hands thankfully Brian and Kevin held him back.

"woah there buddy, stay still" AJ laughed at nick, making nick glare at him, Justin too was laughing.

"Justin!" I warned raising my voice, making him keep a straight face.

"stupid shit" nick mumbled.

but now Justin heard and it was his turn to throw hands.

Now Lance and JC held him back.

"nick come on" I brought him up to his room to stay there, and I went down to get a glass of water since nick had asked for it.

"looks like pretty boy is in time out" Lance said, he was also in the kitchen getting a bag of chips.

"mhmm" I sighed chuckling a little.

"did Lou say anything about the boys talking shit about NSYNC?" I asked Lance

"yes actually, he did why?" Lance questioned.

"he said the same to the boys but that you guys were talking shit about them, did you?" I asked

"no we never did until Lou said they were talking crap about us, did they?" Lance asked, I shook my head immediately.

I sighed "do you think Lou set that lie up?" I asked.

"probably, for fame and success" Lance rested his face on his hand.

"I think Lou is hiding something honestly" Lance frowned.

"really? why is that?" I asked.

"our check.. it was- it was just 10 grand, its a lot I know but sold out stadiums, arenas, all that hard work, I mean I am sure thats not just worth 10 grand" Lance started, looking deep thought.

"same thing happened to the boys" I sucked in a breathe knowing things would probably end with Lou getting cut off.

"we'll find out eventually, the truth always reveals itself" I said softly.

After a while the boys had left and I went back into he room with nick.

"you left me" nick pouted.

"yea me and Lance talked catching up you know" I laid beside him.

"I love you, sorry about a while ago" nick turned on his side.

"I love you too and it's fine" I kissed him.

── ⌗ end chapter *ೃ༄


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a/n: I'm already starting on the nick book hehe :)

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