Chapter 13.:Budding relationships-Momo

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Hellooooo, Wattpad! Long time no see, eh? How is everyone? Hopefully, you enjoyed my story while I was gone. I had lots of school stuff to take care of, but now that that's over, I can finally upload my story again! Welcome to the newest chapter of the Budding relationships series! In this chapter, Sayuri will be dealing with our beloved squad 5 lieutenant. Anyway, ya know the drill. BLAH I don't own anything BLAH comments BLAH. Enjoy😊!



The large boar-shaped hollow roars in pain as his face is split in two, courtesy of me. I swing my zanpakuto to clean it of blood, and put it back in it's seath.

"Good riddance, freak." I say in disgust as I observe the hollow's corpse disintegrating slowly. My disgust turns to a calm expression however, as a figure of a woman emerges from the black mist. She looks around in fear when her eyes land on me. I walk towards her as she falls to her knees.

"P-please, don't kill me. I-I didn't mean to-." I place a hand on her shoulder and she looks up at my face, which now carries a gentle smile.

"It's ok. Don't cry. I know you didn't mean to hurt those people. You weren't in control of yourself. It's the hollow that did everything." I pull out my zanpakuto and tap the pommel on her forehead. "You're going to the Soul Society. A place of peace. You will be able to rest peacefully there." I finish as the soul completely dissappears, having entered the Soul Society. I sigh and pull out my Soul Pager, checking the radar and finding no other hollow signatures on the screen. "Welp, looks like that's that, then. Mission accomplished." And then my expression turns sour. "Now, *groan* paperwork. Juuuust peachy." I roll my eyes and walk away.

Long story short, the 13th received a mission about a large concentration of hollows gathering in a forest near Karakura town. Kaien-fukutaichou already took a different mission with Sentaro, and Kiyone wanted to stay and take care of Ukitake-taichou. This lead to me and Rukia being sent on the mission alongside a few other agents to get rid of the hollows. Needless to say, it was a massacre.

As it always is when you put me and hollows in the same place for longer than 3 seconds.

Anyways, I used shunpo, as well as my reiatsu sensing to track down Rukia and the other shinigami who came with us. Turns out the hollows happened to have kidnapped a few people from the city and were about to eat them. Heck, a few were already eaten when we arrived. We preformed Konso on them and then proceeded to slaughter all the hollows, with me and Rukia splitting up, as well as Rukia taking the other shinigami with her. I stop at a clearing and see Rukia using a memory changing device to replace the memories of the human hostages.

"So, I guess we're done here then?" I ask as I approach. Rukia turns to me. "Yes. Thankfully only three lives were lost. Though even that is a sad number. If only we'd gotten here earlier..." She says. I nod somberly. While we did manage to rescue the hostages and kill off the hollows, three lives were still lost.

"But hey, look on the bright side." I say hoping to cheer her up. "At least they entered the Soul Society. Now they can rest in peace, at the very least."

Rukia smiles and nods. "Yeah, peacefully..." She trails off, and I know why. For all the good the Soul Society brings, it still had many flaws. Like the Rukongai, or at least the lower districts.

"Come on. Let's head back. Ukitake-taichou must be worried." That immediately spurs her into action. We quickly regroup with the other shinigami and I open up a Senkaimon gate. We enter the Senkaimon and find ourselves in front of the gate guarded by Jidanbo, and after we show the papers, we enter the Seireitei.

On our way towards the barracks, Rukia and I make small chat with each other, having split up with the other shinigami who followed us, and it is here that I decided to ask her something.

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