Character analysis

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Welcome everyone, to...something different. This is not a chapter. You see, after Chapter 8 was finished, I realised something. None of my beloved readers know too much about our protagonist, Sayuri. I've decided to change that. Also, I have a lot of work to do today, and I wanted to give my readers some new content, but the work has been getting on my nerves and taking up my time, so I decided to give you this in place of a chapter. Don't worry, chapter 9 is coming tomorrow. But until then, enjoy this character analysis. As always, BLAH comments BLAH I don't own anything BLAH. Enjoy😊.


Character analysis

Name: Sayuri

Last name: Uzume

Age: 18 (alive), 15-16 (Soul Society)

Hair colour: Coal black

Eye colour: Bright red

Skin colour: Darker shade of white

Relatives: Unnamed mother (alive), unnamed older sister (alive)

Height (Not good at math, so I'll compare her to other characters): Equal in height to Izuru

Likes: Mochi, sleeping, Izuru, Momo, Renji, Rukia, Ukitake, her zanpakuto, hunting and killing hollows, Aizen

Dislikes: bullies, nobles, interrupted naps, paperwork, people she loves getting hurt, hollows, Aizen


Speed: 45 (normal), 55 (breathing style), 75 (bloodlust), 85 (breathing style+bloodlust=lieutenant level)

Strength: 40 (normal), 50 (breathing style), 65 (bloodlust), 75 (bloodlust+breathing style=3rd seat level)

Swordsmanship: Superb

Intelligence: average (normally), impressive (in battle)

Reiatsu: Close to captain level

Kidõ skill: decent

Personality: Sayuri is a rather gentle girl. She is known to be quite friendly and is willing to stick up for others, as when she defended Renji from noble sneers at her first day of school. She can also be quite sassy, particularly towards those she dislikes. She detests unnecessary violence, but is willing to throw hands if she feels like the other person is deliberately asking for it. She is prone to anger, but due to her resentment of violence, she opts to simply showcase her power in order to intimidate those who make her angry without actually harming them, as shown in her swordsmanship class in chapter 7, when she terrified a noble girl who angered her by using the Thunder breathing style to split her sword in half without hitting the girl herself. She also possesses an immense hatred of hollows, entering a bloodthirsty state of mind whenever she is facing off against them, and relishing in the pain and fear she inflicts upon them. If the hollows haven't harmed anyone she cares for, her bloodlust is toned down, since she retains her emotions and senses when she fights against the scorpion hollow in chapter 8. However, if the hollows do harm someone she cares about, her bloodlust is at it's max, her own consciousness getting replaced by a cold, emotionless killer, almost like a split personality. But underneath all that, she is afraid. Afraid of losing the people she cares for, like she lost her family when she died and entered the Soul Society. She is also stubbornly determined to help if someone is suffering, as shown in chapter 8, where she is willing to let herself be rended apart by her own zanpakuto spirit in an effort to let Sayuri help her. Overall, Sayuri is gentle and passive, but can get occasionally angry, easy to befriend, and terrifying in a fight, especially against hollows.

Zanpakuto: Chimamire No Hanayome (Bloody bride)

Shikai release command: "Hearken the bells of bloodshed!"

Description: In it's sealed state, Chimamire No Hanayome takes the form of a regular katana with a green handle with a diamond pattern. The guard is shaped like a rose flower with the handle sticking out of the middle of the flower. The seath is bright red with a golden metal design of a thorny vine, so when the sword is seathed, it looks like the vine and the guard are a rose wrapping around the seath itself.

In it's shikai, Chimamire No Hanayome takes the form of a naginata with a large, cleaver-like red blade with a protrusion near the tip of the blade itself. The pole of the naginata is green with a white line wrapping around, making it look like a candy cane, only the red is replaced with green. Connecting the pole and the blade is a silver skull with the eyeholes being framed with a single golden circle for each hole. The left eyehole has a closed rose sticking out of it, with the rose connecting to a vine which wraps around the skull, passing between it's teeth, and ending  at the beginning of the pole, with the vine merging with the white line spiralling around the pole. At the back end of the pole is a chain connecting to a red pendant that looks like a droplet, likely resembling a drop of blood. The blade itself is also capable of splitting into several petal-shaped metal shards, kinda like Senbonzakura, only these petals follow only the pole of the zanpakuto itself, and don't respond to hand signs like Senbonzakura does.

Shikai abilities: Pain and Gain, (to be mentioned)

Pain and Gain is the primary ability of Chimamire No Hanayome's Shikai. This ability increases the user's strength, speed and stamina through pain. The more pain the user suffers, wether it be from an injury or from another source, and as long as it is physical pain, and not any other type of pain like emotional or mental pain, the more powerful the user gets. However, this ability slowly drains the user's sanity, and if used for too long, it could lead to serious mental damage. 

(To be mentioned): This ability hasn't been mentioned in the story. Wait for further chapters.

Bankai: Unknown as of now, to be revealed in later chapters.

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