Chapter 11.- Budding relationships: Renji

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Jolly good day to you, my faithful readers! Welcome to the newest chapter in my story. I've finished my two-week long break, which I apologise for. I plan to change up my schedule a bit. One or two, perhaps three chapters a week, and a week of rest. That will be my schedule from now on. Regardless, my point stands. This story WILL be finished. I know you are bored of seeing this message, but I have to say it. Anyways, this is the second chapter of the Budding relationships series, where we focus on Sayuri developing relationships with the following characters: Rukia, Renji, Momo and Izuru. In this chapter, we will be exploring the relationship between Sayuri and our favorite scarlet-haired buffoon. Anyway, ya know the drill, BLAH comments BLAH I don't own anything BLAH. Enjoy😊!


I slam the seal down onto the last paper of a newly received report. Last week, a few 13th division agents were sent to the living world on an investigation mission. Apparently, squad 6 received a mission request, but due to the shortage of agents, most of which took other missions, the report was forwarded to the 13th. Now, it is my job to look over it and place the seal of squad 13, and then hand it over to someone else who will then bring it over to the 6th.

I sigh and lean back in my chair with exhaustion. It's been half a year since me and Rukia joined the 13th. During that time, Rukia has become much more self-confident than in canon, particularly due to me, Ukitake-taichou and Kaien helping her out. She is much bolder, and is willing to take harder and harder jobs as days pass.

I have progressed in the division too. I've earned the rank of 5th seat, and I've been doing quite well so far. The one thing I don't, and never will like, is paperwork, however. I swear I might just ask Ukitake to let me have surgery on my hands, because I'm pretty sure my bones became pudding by now.

Another thing I like about my new job is killing hollows. I always get excited whenever I get to go on a hollow extermination mission. The feeling of my blade slicing through them like a hot knife through butter, the painful roars and shrieks, the fear in their eyes, the pain they feel. I love it all. Whenever I am fighting against hollows, I just want to HURTTHEMHURTTHEMHURTTHEMHURTTHEMHURTTHEM...

'Ok. That was ominous.' I think to myself. 'I mean, I know I like hurting and killing hollows, but I never go THAT crazy. What is happening? Should I be worried?'

My thoughts are interrupted as I hear the sliding door of my office open. I lift my head up and see Rukia peeking through. "May I come in, Sayuri?"

"Huh? Oh, sure. Come in." I invite her. She nods and enters my office, closing the door behind her as to be polite. She looks at me, and then at my desk, and smirks in amusement. "Having trouble with paperwork?"
"Hey, just cuz you like it doesn't mean I have to as well."
"Oh, on the contrary, I hate paperwork as much as you do, Sayuri-chan. I'm just faster with it, is all." She smugly retorts. I roll my eyes and smile mirthfully.

"Wait, isn't this the mission report for the 6th?"
"Yeah. Why do you ask?"
"Ukitake-taichou asked me to deliver them to the 6th once you were finished. I came to check on you and see if you're done." She picks up the stack of paper and turns around, about to leave. "Hey, Rukia." She stops and looks at me. "Do you mind if I tag along? It's been a long time since I last left the barracks, and I could really use a walk." I say as I crack my spine back in place. "Oh, uuh, sure, but..." "Great! Let's be off shall we?" I jump up without waiting for her to finish, and zoom out of the office like a wind. Rukia just stands at the door, blinking a few times before smiling and shaking her head. "I swear, she is so unbelievable sometimes. Guess that's why I'm friends with her." She shrugs her shoulders and runs after me, hoping to catch up.

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