Chapter 7.-My Shinigami Academia

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HELLO EVERYONE! I am finally back, ready for the new chapter of this story. Last time we observed as Sayuri moves into the Seireitei, deals with ridicule, and trains with Captain Ukitake. Here, we'll see her time in the Shin'o Academy, and a special treat at the very end of the chapter. Hint: it's very important for the next one. As always, BvtLAH comments BLAH I don't own anything BLAH! Enjoy😊!


"Are you sure you have everything you need, Sayuri-chan?"
"Yes, Ukitake-taichou."
"Are you positive?"
"Are you absolutely su-."
"YES, TAICHOU! Now can I please continue towards the academy?! I'm gonna be late for the ceremony!"
"Heheh. Alright, I'm just making sure. I mean, I was quite nervous when I went here. I'm sure you are as well."
"You have no idea."

We bicker back-and-forth as we stand in front of the gates that lead onto the campus. After 9 months of excruciating training (suffering) at the hands of captain Ukitake, training my reiatsu control, sensing, learning a few Kidõ, and other skills necessary for a shinigami, like history, math, and the like, the day had come when it was time for me to head into the academy. I took the entrance exam, and I passed, and though my kidõ needs a bit of work, everything else, including academics (thank you Bleach manga and wiki) was no problem. Ukitake just had to act like a worried mom, checking her kids for anything they might have forgotten before going to school. Can't say I dislike it, though. Not everyday a captain is worried about you. And he's my favourite as well.

Best first day of school ever.

"Alright, I'm sure you'll be late if you don't hurry. C'mon now." He ushers me towards the building.

I am about to leave, before I turn around. "Hey, Taichou. Thank you. For everything." I say.

"You can thank me by doing well in the academy. But I'm sure you will. Your skills in reiatsu and academics are getting better and better. Go get 'em, tiger, like the humans always like to say." He says with a smile. I nod and with a spring in my step, I walk towards the academy, excitement coursing through my veins.

I am about to enter the academy building before I hear a pair of loud voices, and what seems to be yelling between them.
"Hurry up! I think we might make it!"
"It's your fault for sleeping in, you doofus. Now we're going to be late! What were you thinking, sleeping on a tree?!"
"Shut it! I'll do whatever the heck I want, and you can't stop me!"

I stare with surprise in my eyes at the two approaching figures, a male and a female. The male is noticeably taller, with bright red hair done up in a rather spiky ponytail. He is dressed in the male academy uniform, with grey lines and hakama, and is quite muscular. The female is the polar opposite. She is short with black hair and purple eyes, wearing the same female uniform as me, with red lines and hakama pants.

'Rukia and Renji!' I exclaim in my head. These two were always some of my favourite characters. Rukia was so adorable, and I always burst in laughter whenever I see a funny moment with Renji. Can ya blame me? The guy is hilarious. The tiny Shakkaho in the Hueco Mundo arc, how he always bickers with Rukia, and all the other moments. I love the dynamic between these two.

Then I realise what they're fighting about. I widen my eyes and, missing Renji calling me, I enter the academy and rush towards the ceremony.

I get there in time, and alongside Renji, Rukia, and all the other students, we sat down in the large, half-colloseum looking classroom, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

The teacher, a plain-looking brown-haired man, entered the classroom and began talking.

"Ahem, I apologise if I was late. It seems everyone is here. Now then, let's begin shall we? My name is Gengorõ Õnabara and I welcome you, students, the Soul Reaper Academy!"
The students whisper among themselves, but quiet down once the teacher, Gengorõ, claps his hands. "Simmer down, students. You are now among the privileged few to have been picked to attend this academy. You are the next generation of shinigami whose job is to form the special forces of the Gotei 13 and defend humanity and souls alike from the threat of hollows and other dangers. I request that you apply yourselves diligently and uphold the honor of our school. You must strive to not only serve your future squad to the best of your abilities, but also excel in every single one of your future endeavours. Today, I will begin explaining about Soul Reapers. The first thing you need to understand are the roles between shinigami, Kidõ corps, and the Onmitsukido, then..."

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