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I ran back to the room of requirement, paced twice with my goal in mind, and entered. It looked just like I had left it, only nobody was there. I could tell Draco left recently though. There's only one reasonable place he would have gone. The Slytherin Common Room.

I ran down to the dungeons as quick as I could, but when i got down there the common room was empty. I ran to the dorms, and unfortunately for me, i didn't know which dorm belonged to Pansy or Blaise. "Draco! DRACO!" I yelled over and over like a mad man. "GO AWAY HADES! YOU HURT DRACO. YOU COME ANYWHERE NEAR HIM I'LL PERSONALLY RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!" I heard Pansy yell at me through one of the doors. "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE THE KING OF HELL."

I located which door it was in a heart beat and knocked wildly. "Pansy! Please! I just wanna talk to him!" I begged her, trying to make the doorknob budge. "Leave!" She yelled back. "Please Pansy! I need to tell him something!" I tried shoving the door. "Hadrian I swear if you don't leave right this second!" She warned. I heard Draco say something quietly, and that's when i knew he was there.

I snapped. I shoved my shoulder into the door. HARD. and it snapped into pieces. I was shocked for a moment, just standing in the dorm room, Pansy staring at me and Blaise just holding Draco, who was fully covered in a blanket. I looked at Pansy and Blaise and instinctively, I just said "Leave." In this icy tone. They nodded slightly and left, mostly from fear, but I think they understood what i was here for without me having to tell them.

I always was bad with words. I stood still for a moment, before i moved toward the bed and sat down. Draco paused, but didn't go out from under the blanket and I didn't say anything in return. "I didn't really know how... the mate thing works." I started with my excuse. "I like you a lot. But I thought I would have a mate-feeling." I told him. "I read in a book at the library that most Doms aren't like that." He still wasn't budging.

"I'm sorry." I said. Still nothing? had he turned to stone? "For running away when i should have asked you about it." Still no movement, which was seriously scaring me right now. "I kind of had a panic attack in the confusion." I laughed. I saw him shift at that. Good. He's Alive. A wave of relief washed over me. "I accept you, if me coming here wasn't obvious enough." I said, poking his blanketed figure.

He streched his arms out and threw the blanket off of himself. "You... accept me?" He asked, his hair all frizzy and his eyes sparkling. "How could I not?" I joked. He jumped into my arms and hugged me. Oh wow this felt great. An unstoppable grin was on my face as he kissed me, and i hoped this feeling would never end.

(Draco's POV)

My emotions led me straight to Pansy and Blaise instead of Hades, and I immediately hugged them and crawled under Pansy's blanket before telling them everything.

"Draco! Draco!" I heard someone yell. They had a wonderful voice, but all i was focusing on was how Hades didn't want me. "GO AWAY HADES! YOU HURT DRACO. YOU COME ANYWHERE NEAR HIM I'LL PERSONALLY RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!" I heard Pansy yell.

I felt myself chirp up. "Hades? Hades is here?" I asked quietly. Blaise hugged me and shushed me, and i let him, but now I was listening to Pansy's conversation with Hades. "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE THE KING OF HELL!" Pansy was yelling. It had to be Hades on the other side of the door.

"Pansy! Please! I just wanna talk to him!" I heard Hades beg. I really wanted Pansy to let him in. "Leave!" She yelled back. "Please Pansy! I need to tell him something!" I could hear the door getting ready to bend and break at the sheer force Hades was putting on it. "Hadrian I swear if you don't leave right this second!" She warned. "But I don't want Hades to leave! Pansy don't make him leave." I said quietly.

Next thing I heard was a big bang and wood falling everywhere, and then the cold order of "Leave." that send shivers down me everywhere. My whole body wanted to go to him, to comfort him, to see what's wrong. But I didn't. I froze.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, and I was dying from anticipation, until i felt the bed sink beside me. I stopped everything and my body turned to pure ice and steel. "I didn't really know how... the mate thing works." I heard him say. "I like you a lot. But I thought I would have a mate-feeling." My heart surged. He liked me! Was he going to accept me? All I wanted was for him to say those three words. "I read in a book at the library that most Doms aren't like that." Accept me! Please!

"I'm sorry." Forgiven! I don't care! Please accept me! "For running away when i should have asked you about it." It's ok! "I kind of had a panic attack in the confusion." What? I caused him unhappiness? NO. This is not what i wanted. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so-"I accept you, if me coming here wasn't obvious enough." He said, and I felt him poke me. I threw the blanket off me. HE ACCEPTED ME! This may have been the happiest day of my life.

"You... accept me?" I asked, fully aware of how terrible I looked at the moment. "How could I not?" he asked me, and i may as well have won the lottery because i couldn't help the smile on my face. I jumped into his arms and I wanted to stay there forever. Sadly, I can't stay forever, but I will stay with him as long as possible and as close as possible. Because Hades is my mate.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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