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The compartment door opened to reveal Draco's friends, Blaise and Pansy. They entered the compartment and sat down across from Hades and Draco. Hades had the window seat on the right side of the compartment, facing the spot across from him. Draco was beside him and across from him was Pansy by the window seat facing forward and Blaise across from Draco.

Pansy was a pale, short girl who was a total goth. Her jet black hair was cut into a short bob, she wore dark makeup and dark clothes. Her eyes were sharp and the darkest black colour an eyeball could possibly be. Blaise was a sweet guy and if he wasn't so cunning he would've been a hufflepuff. He wore light and pastel coloured hoodies with dark pants and shoes. He had a dark skin tone, a line up hairstyle and the softest brown eyes the world has ever seen.

"Who's the hottie, Draco?" Pansy asked in her usual flirty voice. "Watch your tongue, I'm not sure if the king of hell appreciates being hit on like that." Draco replied automatically. Pansy's eyes widened and she looked down as she realized what she had done.

Hades laughed and introduced himself. "My name's Hades. Hadrian Peverell, though everyone calls me Hades. I'm the new transfer student from Durmstrang. I'll be joining Hogwarts because I just moved to England and I'm too far away from Durmstrang to go to school there further." "Wait so you're not the king of hell?" Pansy asked him. "I didn't say that." Hades grinned. Pansy looked at him with plain bored look and told hades, "Prove it." Said Demon King grinned and turned into his demon form. White hair, black sclera, ram horns, demon tail, crown and all the glory. In response he got one shellshocked Pansy Parkinson.

It was pretty hard to make Pansy surprised, as usually all you'd get was her usual goth-punk-flirty-i-have-no-emotions-other-than-disgust attitude. Hades returned to his normal form and they all laughed it off. They enjoyed the rest of their train ride alone, talking and telling each other how wonderful their summer was.

Pansy went to Niagara Falls in Canada, she went down into the falls with a boat where she took her new screensaver picture. A picture of her with her newly pierced tongue (she got that done there too) poking out, a wink and the word 'WET' scribbled down below. That's also where she bought her phone. Pansy went on the zip line and everywhere else you could possibly go there.

Blaise went to Paris, France. He had a lovely summer and even met a cute girl while staying there. The girl was a short, plus sized woman with tan skin and dark brown wavy hair going down to her mid-back, she had a freckle littered face and the cutest big bright blue eyes Blaise had ever seen. Of course, Blaise got her number and Snapchat and they were becoming real close. "Everything else there was pretty awesome too." Blaise said as though it was but an afterthought.

Draco proudly told them how Hades taught him how to ride 'this muggle thing called a skateboard' and they became locally famous at the local skatepark. As well as everywhere else they went and what kinds of awesome muggle activities there actually were. Hades vaguely told them he got his creature inheritance and inherited a bunch of gold and properties from his dead family members and ancestors. "Oh and I got my muggle driver's license and then bought me a car." Hades added.

"What kind of car?" Blaise asked him. "It's a Black Tesla Model S." Hades replied. "Oooh, those are real nice cars. Electric, fast (super expensive) and they help the environment by not pumping out any carbon dioxide." Blaise commented. He'd had a thing for muggle cars ever since he went over to his squib cousin's house, where they had a large garage to store all their collected vehicles.

Then they began talking about jobs, what they'd want to do when they finish hogwarts. "Honestly, with the money I have I could never spend it all in a life time." Hades said when it was his turn to spill. "Awe come on, Hades! If you had to have a job what would it be?" Pansy asked him. "I guess I'd want to open up some muggle shops and things in the wizarding world. Only they include magic. Like a magical spa, magical zoo, magical indoor pool, magical nightclubs, magical muggle clothing stores that have spelled mirrors to show you what you can wear and where you can wear it, magical malls, magical playgrounds and skateparks, quidditch fields, and magical ski mountains and ski resorts. The wizarding works is missing out on so much, especially children. It's not fair if muggle-borns are forced to learn all about the wizarding world and the wizarding world doesn't learn a bit about muggle culture." Hades opened up.

The other three nodded and congratulated him in the awesome idea. They had all been secretly going out into the muggle world anyway, to see and try all the cool muggle things they had there. Suddenly, Draco had a thought. "Hey Hades?" He asked, turning to the young man next to him. "Yeah, what's up?" Hades replied, facing his friend. "I feel bad for our little groupie of fans that showed up everyday to watch us at the skateboard park. They're gonna be there in a few minutes and nobody will be there to preform...what if they think something bad happened to us and it scars them for life or make them depressed!?" The blond ranted.

"Draco. Draco it's fine. I sent one of my house elves transfigured into a kid to tell them that we left for boarding school." "Oh ok." Draco replied, now totally calmed down . The rest of the train ride to hogwarts was filled with simple small talk.

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