Transfer Student

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Once everyone had seated themselves in the great hall, the sorting began. There were a few in Slytherin, more in Gryffindor, even more in Hufflepuff and the least in Ravenclaw. After that, Professor McGonagall stood in the front with the sorting hat in her hands and said, "this year we have a special student joining us. He's a transfer student from Durmstrang, who will be joining our 8th year students. Hadrian Peverell, please stand and come up for your sorting."

All talk had silenced, and all eyes were searching for the transfer student. That's when Hades stood up in all his incredibly tall and handsome glory. He smirked slightly at the crowd and took large steps from where he was sitting with Draco and his friends at the Slytherin Table to the stool up front by the teacher's table. He sat down and let the hat fall on his head, which surprisingly fit him.

'Well Hello again, Mr. Potter. Or shall I say Mr. Peverell? Which do you prefer?'

"Please, just call me Hades."

'Alright then. Hades, you seem to have changed physically, but not so much mentally. Your true nature was always there. And like in your first year i must say, you'd do great in Slytherin.'

"Only this time around, I agree with you."

'Slytherin it is.'


The Slytherin table clapped for their new comer and Draco and the others welcomed him with open arms as he sat down on the spot he was on before he went up to get sorted.

When the whole of Slytherin was in the Slytherin's Common Room, the prefects told everyone about the early welcoming party they hosted. Nobody except Slytherins knew of this tradition and they wanted to keep it so. There'd be alcohol for the older kids and energy drinks for the younger ones.

At the party, Hades, Draco, Pansy and Blaise were all partying together and getting super drunk. By midnight, Hades and Draco were drunkenly making out in one corner while Blaise and Pansy were dancing on the tables together.

The next morning, Hades and Draco could be found asleep on top of eachother, only wearing their underwear.

(Draco's POV)

"Good morning." I hear a deep teasing voice, probably Hades'. "Hmm... 'mornin." I reply, not bothering to open my eyes. I felt something soft and warm placed on my forehead and I opened my eyes even before I realized it was a kiss. With his forearms and elbows on either side of my head. He was grinning at me and I almost smiled back until I realized what was happening. "What's going on?" I asked.

Hades laughed out loud and just stood up and went to the bathroom. I couldn't help but stare at his lean muscles and defined abs. My gaze strayed lower as he walked but I quickly ripped my eyes away from him. What the hell.

Throughout the whole day I couldn't stop wondering what had happened and what he was doing in my bed. My face was flushed and the looks I was getting from other Slytherins made my brain hurt with more questions. Some of the others houses noted my flushed face as well and they gave me some odd looks. Smarter ones, mostly Ravenclaws, gave me knowing glances before switching their sight from me to Hades. What the hell. I seem to be the only one who doesn't know what happened. I went over every possibility in my head. They were either too crazy, odd, impossible or all of the above. I didn't pay attention to work and my brain hurt from all the thought. The hangover was light thanks to potions but a headache still snuck it's way into my brain. Near the end of the day I thought, 'why am I putting so much effort into this..?'

Did Hades and I sleep together? Did we do anything or literally just sleep? Did one of us sleep walk? Is this all some elaborate prank? Was I that drunk? What happened last night? I groaned and hit my head on my desk, earning me the glare of McGonagall and several others who I was in transfiguration with.

"Hades." I whispered to him. "Hades." I said again after he didn't reply. I started to poke him. He turned to me with some odd look of irony. "Hades." I said one more time. Suddenly a flashback washed over me. The edges were hazy and I could hear my slow heart beat. It was in the common room last night. Someone tall and lean had propped me up against the wall and was kissing me passionately. I was kissing back. They moved on to my neck and began to suck on a sensitive spot. "Hades." I said. I couldn't move but I felt extreme shock. Hades pulled away and I felt discontent but his eyes with black scleras looked at me with a grin. "That's my name." He told me with a questioning look. I felt myself grin. "What's my name?" He asked me. "Hades." I replied. "Very good." He said before attacking my neck. "Say it." He said against my neck. "Hades." I replied. I awoke from my flashback to Hades staring at me with a face that mixed between confused and concerned. I knew part of what happened but I need to know the whole story. My face was obviously flushed, my heart pounding and my brain not letting me forget, but I needed to find more triggers. I needed to make sure of something.

"What did you wanna ask?" Hades asked me. Very quickly I asked, "what happened last night?" "We both got very drunk and ended up in the same bed." He told me. I snorted. "Yeah tell me something I don't already know." I rolled my eyes. "We didn't do anything if that's what your asking." Hades raised an eyebrow and smirked at me. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. "Ok." I replied. "Unless you count making out." He added. I felt my face go as red as a tomato as I laid my head down on the desk to hide my tomato head. "NO TALKING!" McGonagall called sharply. She needn't worry, I had found out what I needed even if it resulted in a flushed face.

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