Chapter XXIII

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A sudden bang was heard and multiple yells echoed from opposite the door. Kain and I looked at each other and instantly rushed outside. In the throne room, the crowds of vampires were on one side while my friends were on the other, glaring at each other.

"You can't keep Ariella here forever unless she wants to on her own free will!" Isla yelled.

My father gave her a menacing look. "She will stay because it is her rightful place and duty. You werewolves will also be annihilated." There was a wave of stomps that agreed from the clan.

West came forward, his eyes gleaming a bright yellow. "Try to do it then. We'll see who wins." Dion's hair started to shine a more vivid blue making me know it was time to put an end to this.

"Stop! Isla is right, I can make my own decisions. But I don't want the werewolf pack or the vampire clan killed. Can't we just get along?" I asked, running to the middle, looking at both of the groups, earnestly.

Moirai went up to King and looked up to his face, her eyes seeming as though they had a whole galaxy in them, as she glared. "You will regret it if you make any drastic moves, Konstantin. I'm not one to tell the future, but this is something so dire, you better listen."

My mom immediately put her hands on his shoulders. "I don't know what you're thinking, but please, refrain from doing it. This is our daughter. She's come home and her friends have helped her through that journey. Please."

My father sighed. "You're right. I also don't know what I was thinking. Forgive me?" He asked. His hazel eyes seemed so sad, it was almost impossible to not say no to.

"Of" His face lit up like a 1000 watt light bulb, making me laugh. Kain came up to me and wrapped an arm around my waist, which for some reason, I was perfectly comfortable with.

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When we entered back into the pack, Jennalyn and Quinn seemed to be extremely disheveled working without almost half of the council, day and night. Jen even had her child, Kalen, which made me feel guilty, dragging them along. The relief on their faces was evident.

Somewhere during the night, I was shaken awake by Mallory, her eyes beaming bright. "Alpha Isla is in labor!"

I got up quickly. "What! But it's still too early right?"

"I know, but a pup doesn't care about time. I don't know how long it will be but West and Dr. Bella is in there now."

I sighed. "I guess it'll just be a waiting game--"

A sudden wail from the other room was heard and we smiled at each other. The baby wanted things to be done fast! I went over and rapped on the wooden door. The pack doctor opened it and looked over to Isla, who nodded, giving me the go ahead to let me in.

West was on the other side of her leaning against the bed while she looked extremely worn out, auburn tendrils of hair sticking to her face. However, her face was sparkling as she looked down at the little pink bundle.

"Here, Ariella... please hold our child, Idalia."

I carefully took the pup in my arms, being just as nervous as I was when I held Alaric. When I finally got into a comfortable position, I first noticed two things. One was her little hand; it was deformed and had only three fingers. The second was her eyes. Despite being just a newborn, they were sharp, piercing, and golden.

I glanced at Isla as I handed her back. She sighed, "I have no clue either. I don't think it's DNA in the making. But whatever it is, she's our pup and I love her and I'll make sure she'll never turn out the way my step-brother did."

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