Chapter VI

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"Aiya! Benitez, come back here right now or I swear I'll beat you senseless with my wooden spatula! Come now!" Catalina yelled, running after her five-year-old daughter. The little brown-haired girl ran off, her giggles resounding throughout the house.

A flash of light appeared and Mallory gripped my hand tightly as our feet touched the floorboards. "Huh. Is this where your mother is?" She asked, looking around.

"Yep. I think I can get my final answer from her. Also, there's a lot of my siblings around here...a lot."

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around my leg and a chubby little face looked up at me. "Ari! Save me! Mamá will punish me!"

Chuckling, I lifted my little sister, Benitez up. Catalina stopped in front of me and her eyes widened a bit then a scowl appeared on her face. She took her rolled-up newspaper and smacked me on the head, making me wince. "Oi! Took you long enough to come and visit. Where were you all this time?"

"Oww, Cat, I was going to the Sunshine-Darkmoon Pack. I needed to take care of something. But really, why did you do that?" I rubbed the top of my head.

She scoffed and put her hands on her hips, then turned to Mallory. "And who's this?"

I wanted to face-palm myself at her not noticing the presence of the one who created her. Even though I was only a vampire, almost any being could feel the strong aura that the girl presented. "Catalina...she's the First Moon of the Night...otherwise known as the Moon Goddess?" I gritted the last two words out.

My mother still didn't move a muscle. Oh my goodness. If this was any other god, that would have been the ending of Cat. Mal shook her head slightly then stepped forward, putting her hand out. "You can just call me Mallory. There's no need to be so formal." She smiled.

After a minute, Cat returned her smile and hugged Mallory in a tight hug. "Thank you for saving the former Goddess and the creation in general. I make sure my whole family remembers that and generations to come." She then pushed her back. "Now, who wants some pineapple empanadas? They're made fresh!"

"We actually can't. I have a serious thing to discuss with you and I need to go back right now." I replied, my face turning dark, not wanting to even go into the topic at hand.

She nodded and took my hand. Mallory pointed to the ground, indicating that she would stay here until we came back. Catalina led me to my old bedroom and I sighed, reminiscing on the good old days. I remembered she would lay on the bed with me for the first few weeks until I fell asleep when I had just arrived and was new to an actual home.

Sitting down, Cat put a hand on my shoulder. "My dear, I don't like this troubled look on your face. No buena. Spit it out so I can help you."

"You can't help me with this, only with giving me advice. A witch had found the name of my soulmate years ago; Kain. Now Mallory has come down because she heard my heart call out for him. I don't know why the goddess of werewolves would hear a vampire's cry. We went to a witch, a good one, and she said she can give me a direction but it could hurt you and maybe me as well.

It is very confusing too. I would never want to hurt you or my've changed my life in so many ways.'s never been heard of, a vampire having a soulmate. I want to see him. What do you think I should do? I will listen to whatever you say." I said, basically pouring out everything that had happened in the last day or so.

Catalina shook her head and crushed my body to hers, her brown locks of hair covering my head. Tears started to flow out my ruby eyes and onto her shirt after being enveloped in her motherly-like scent. She then whispered, "Darling, I only want what's best for my kids. You know I trained you with the best combat skills. I know how to fight. Go and find Kain." She kissed my head.

Wiping my cheeks, I nodded, now confident. I opened the door to Mallory, covered with kids...literally. "Uh--a little help Ariel?" Sighing, I started to pluck each child off, hugging them tightly. Who knew when I would see them again? Once we were settled, I took my friend's hand and waved at the smiling yet somber face of Catalina. Soon, we were swept away in a flash of light.

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Gale looked at me and raised her eyebrows, asking me if I had made my decision. I took a deep breath and nodded, fired up. "Let's look for him. I want to find Kain."

She smiled then hobbled over to a huge chest that I hadn't noticed before that was hidden away in a corner. Unlocking it with a key that she had on in a necklace, she pulled out a black dog tag necklace and held it out to me.

I took it in my hands and squinted to read the silver words engraved on each side and started to read. "To Kain, my saviour, and love. From, Moirai." I turned it over. "You are what makes my heartbeat." I felt sharp stabs of pain in my heart as my eyes looked over the words multiple times.

"No." Isla suddenly said. West put a hand on her shoulder but she shook him away. "Ariella, you don't need to do this. This is just one of the many emotional trials you'll go through. It could hurt you." She then whispered, "I don't want to see you go through it."

The Alpha was probably right. My brain said that but my heart said another. However, something still nagged at me. I took Isla's hands, "Don't worry, I'm fine! Before we go on with this though, I don't need you all to come with me. I'm perfectly okay with going by myself."

The group looked at each other then Isla smirked. "I may be ready to have this baby pop out but I am always up for an adventure!"

West nodded. "Red, you've helped me in bad times, now I'll help you out for something good."

Jen smiled. "You know, I'll stay at the pack to take care of things with Daniel. I'll be here if something happens."

Mallory threw her arms around me making me blink in surprise. "Unfortunately it took me a bit to find my mate while he was right in front of me so now I was to help you find yours as soon as possible! You'll need a little bit of goddess help, right?"

I laughed and ushered everyone closer to get in a group hug. I didn't think they thought of me this much but I was proven wrong. The Sunshine Pack would always be my family. I glanced down at the dog tag and ran my finger over the name Kain.

'Let's see who you are...' I whispered.

His Little Ember • BOOK IIIWhere stories live. Discover now