Chapter VII

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We went back to the Alphas' cabin to tie up some loose ends with the council so everyone could go do their rightful duties; some to stay here while others to join me on my reckless journey. Isla and West talked to some people I didn't exactly know then went to their kids. West sat Zyair down on his knee while Isla put Waverly in between them both. They quietly spoke to them about their mission and the twins looked confident, not wanting to cry and be 'adults.' They hugged their parents tight and kissed their mom's belly to wish their future sibling goodbye.

I smiled as I put the hood around me again. I would never know what it would be like to be a child again with a biological parent's love. That part of my life was gone forever. Catalina was there as a substitute and I was grateful to her for that.

Turning to Mallory, I raised an eyebrow. "So, I know you planned to go with us but do realize you have a baby right? You're not able to lug him around 24/7. We also won't stop a lot."

She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I know I don't act like a goddess but come on!" Mal waved reached her hands up and soon a piece of moonstone appeared in her palms. She somehow fashioned it into a baby carrier of some sort. A gold rope was attached and she tied the string to her arm as she let it float behind her. "There! Now I'm here for Alaric at all times."

"Wow. Now that's awesome." I said, clearly shocked. The perks of being a Moon Goddess. Dion appeared from the second room and started to walk out. Waving at Jen and her mate, we all followed, ready.

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We walked through the forest then the pack line was right before us. They continued to walk, stepping over it with ease. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Isla and West's hands over their ears. Their pack was calling out to them to come back but it was just a fantasy. It was common for that to happen if any one of the council was leaving their territory; it would be even worse for Alphas.

Soon, we left the valley and treaded on the dry ground. There was no vegetation in sight for miles. Mallory sighed as her green eyes scanned the area. "Well, this brings back memories. The ble flóges leading me to my destiny, exchanging cheesy pun lines with Dion." She smirked at her mate and he laughed.

"It definitely took you long enough to realize it was me, Agapiménos." He responded.

She sighed. "Yeah.

There was a silence before I asked, "Think I should pour the direction potion on the tag now?" Everyone nodded so I took out the bottle and sprinkled it on the necklace. Instantly, a light blue haze lit up the dog tag and started to pull lightly. "Alright...north it is."

West turned to Isla as we continued to walk. "You've been quiet for a while. Is everything okay? Worried about the kids?"

"Well, of course, I am," Isla said. "But has that rock always been there?"

I stopped and looked at her strangely. "Rock?"

"Yeah, the one following us."

At this point, everyone had stopped and turned around. A smooth gray boulder lay right behind us and was looking out of place considering there were no stones in the desolate valley, only gravel. Anything could be dangerous now, especially since we had gods and Alphas on this trip. I attached an arrow to my bow and aimed. "Guess I'll shoot then. We'll find out what's really been going on."

A small squeal was heard and a thump. Suddenly, a little thing came flying out and near me. "W-wait, don't shoot me! I'm on the good side, I swear." A high-pitched voice said.

It came closer and I let my bow down. "....A bug?"

Soon the bug was visible and instead turned out to be a mini girl but with intricate wings. It had lime-colored hair, one side long, another side shaved with green eyes. She wore a white midi skater dress, white flats, and also a gold head chain.

She puffed out her cheeks and angrily said, "I'm not a bug! I'm a pixie, thank you very much. My name is Fay."

I still was disinterested in what she was. "Why are you following us then?"

"Well, I was summoned by you! By that thing, you have around your neck." She pointed at the necklace.

Mallory snapped her fingers. "Maybe it awoke when the potion was put on. But...the pixie generations were killed off centuries ago. How are you alive?" She asked Fay.

"The elders hid away the already betrothed pixies before the gods' war started. They escaped and now there are millions of us. We serve the vampire population who protected us during that time." The pixie said proudly.

Now that caught my attention. "The vampire population? There's more?" I asked eagerly.

She nodded. "Well, of course, you're not the only one. I don't know what you've been doing away from your kind. They're not that far from here, you know. I'll take you to the one you're looking for on one condition." I agreed then tears came to her eyes. "I'm starving!! Feed me please!!!"

Mal laughed, took out a small Dorito bag from her satchel, and opened it, handing it to the pixie. "Here. I hope this helps you." The greedy little thing immediately put the bag on the ground, balanced a chip, and started to chomp on it.

"So let's go." I picked up the pixie and put her on my shoulder as she held the bag.

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Three hours of having Fay jabbering on was enough to want to just give up on this whole adventure after all. I grabbed a black and red strand on both sides of my hair and tugged my head down. 'You need to find your soulmate, you need to find your soulmate, do NOT give up Ariella.'

"Look, look! We're near a town!" Mallory said, excitedly.

Isla looked back and forth. "Thankfully this isn't werewolf territory. I think we've left all packs behind, which is good. All I smell and see are humans."

"Finally, a break." West stretched out his arms. "After an hour or two, we can start up again. I'm gonna go explore with my Miss Alpha." He smirked, pulling Isla to his waist making her giggle.

Rolling my eyes, I waved my hands forward. "Gross. Go and don't be too long. We'll meet back at this end of the land."

We all nodded and separated to the different parts of the town. It was pretty and had a 'village' look to it. There were bookstores and cozy bakeries where you could settle down for a bite or two while reading. A couple of children were running in a small park with a little brook, having the time of their life.

I clicked the little button on the metal pole to encourage the 'walk' indication to appear faster so I could cross the busy intersection. Obviously, those things were there just to mock us; they never really did anything. Fay was sitting on my shoulder still and sighed. "Why is it that all wolves have to go through some crazy long way to meet their soulmate? It's so ridiculous. Humans have it easy, don't you think?"

I nodded. That statement was very true. The white walking sign finally appeared and I stepped onto the road, saying, "Long journeys are so tiring now. I mean, I just wish my soulmate would just show up right in front of me." Suddenly, there was a sound of a horn and squealing tires. I turned around quickly to meet with impending death at the front of those headlights.

My body was quickly lifted into the air, my head pressed into a muscular chest so I couldn't see the one moving me. I was put on the ground, away from the street. The last thing I saw was dark green eyes staring into my ruby ones.

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