Chapter I

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There's always that one orphaned little girl who sits on her bed and just looks at the ceiling wondering who her parents are. There's also that one orphaned little boy who asks his guardian if they're ever coming back for them; are they even alive?

I'm not that girl. I'm not that boy. My story is a little more unique than that. My name is Ariella Rosario. I don't have parents; however, they didn't abandon me or die. I lost them. Vampires are considered evil, the creatures of the night, blood-lusting, soul-seekers. Some of those rumors are true, some aren't.

Memory is a valuable thing. It is a diamond, that though it is stored in your mind, anything can defile it or it can be taken away. I lost my memory a long time ago and for years nothing could restore it. Every day, I would wake up, frozen in time.

During those many years of just breathing in a cold cave, living off of the mice or critters that came in, my heart was empty. I had no emotions, I wasn't happy or sad, or even fearful. I was just a girl that knew how to eat, sleep, and walk.

Certain people can change things for you. One night as I sat up, taking my fill of my normal course of a mouse, a shadow appeared behind me. I turned to see a woman, and a very pregnant one at that, smirk at me.

"Ah, so you're the little niña that's been scaring my men for the past weeks." She said after a few minutes of us just staring at each other. "Come with me." The lady smiled and held out her hand.

I blinked at the hand, unsure of what to do. She sighed and pulled me up, making me stagger a bit. Soon we started to trek up the large grassy mountain. Every ten minutes she would stop to take a breath then we would continue.

I was so confused as to what this pregnant woman was doing, taking me to wherever we were going. For some reason, I felt as though I could trust her. It's not like I had nowhere to go anyway.

Finally, we reached a small house, two stories tall. The lady ushered me in and I could finally take a good look at her. She had extremely long dark brown hair that was tied in a top bun with brown eyes and tan skin. She was also thin but definitely bigger now with that belly.

"Now, I see you looking at my unborn pup, but that isn't gonna stop me from making you into a fighter. What's your name?"

Looking back at her face, I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I softly asked.

"So she speaks! Speak up. What's your name?"

"I-I don't have one." I loudly spoke but my voice cracked from the lack of water.

The lady put a hand on her hip and bit her finger. "No name, hm? Wait a your mouth, child."

Without a second thought, I opened my mouth. I was slightly intimidated by her but as before, I knew she wouldn't hurt me. Suddenly, she stuck her fingers in my mouth and felt my fangs on either side.

She tutted. "First time taking in a little vampire. You're so small and thin. However, your fangs show me your age. You might be older but you are definitely a teenager for sure. How long were you in that cave, honey?"

"Um, as long as I remember, ma'am...," I responded.

The woman blinked then burst out laughing, the prettiest laugh I've heard in my life. "Ma'am? Darling, you can just Catalina. I'll be your mom from now on. Don't you dare call me mom okay? Don't make me feel older than I already am. This is my second pup and I already feel old."

I gasped at her. "But you look so beautiful!"

Catalina put her hands on her mouth. "Oh, you are so cute. First, we need to put some of my Spanish Paella in you to get you plump and some pink back in your cheeks. Now where the heck did Pablos go with my spatula? I'm gonna smack that boy to high heaven..." She turned around, running after, what I assumed, was her son.

This was the start of my first memory, meeting Catalina, or Cat, as I called her. She hated the nickname, but it made me love teasing her. It was also weird to the outside world as to how a werewolf could take in a vampire. Very few knew about it though; vampires and wolves have been enemies for centuries. If anyone knew, the poor woman would be destroyed.

Catalina was not part of a pack. She was thrown out as a rogue with her mate, Diablo. They were a beautiful couple but they sure made little ones way too often, which, of course, became my siblings.

My name is Ariella and this is my story.


This is only the first chapter, that's why it's so short, there's still more to come!

Thank you for reading!

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