Red: Stop. *sad emoji face eyes*

Me: When you stop doubting and bring your gorgeous face to mine and come talk to me, then I'll stop.

She doesn't respond but she's read my message. Minutes passed and she still doesn't respond. A frustrated noise slips past my lips and I send her another message. This time, it was a kiss face, heart face, double hearts, and a red rose.

I was slowly becoming obsessed with this girl and it fucking sucked that she didn't want to talk to me.

Just remembering all that happened and what Principal Lance said had pissed me off all over again. He and the board were taking this situation seriously. The video of us that has been shared all over the media in our school had its consequences. I was lucky, to say the least.

My season was over while Red will possibly have to figure out a way to get into the finals after the break. It fucking sucked.

And it really sucked that they were looking for the person or the people who had a hand in sharing that video but not really doing shit about it.

One of the many reasons I can't wait to get out of this school.

A light knock on my bedroom door grabs my attention. Lifting my head from the screen of my phone, I see Jules entering my room with a sad smile.

"What's up?" I nod, my voice low.

"I just wanted to see if you're okay." She sighs, walking further into my room and sitting on the edge of my bed. "Are you alright?"

I looked back at my phone. To be honest, I was far from alright. I didn't feel good at all. My Red was upset and the fact that she's doubting hits me hard.

"I'll be alright."

"She just needs time."

I closed my eyes, calming myself. I understood that but it still made me upset that she believed I had something to do with the fucking video. I exhaled a harsh breath as I think back to that night after the game. It was my fault. I shouldn't have told her to meet me in the gym.

Sometimes I can't help the way I feel and my need for her closeness that night was just intense. The thought of actually backing out on me didn't sit well with me at all.

"Who do you think did this?"

"I don't fucking know but when I found out they're going to wish they didn't post that shit." My jaw ticked as I remember the embarrassment, the pain in her eyes.

Red was known to be a good girl at Durant High but after that video, she was getting called all the names in the book. It not only pissed me off but made me want to beat everyone's ass that was degrading her. Messing with her.

And I was going to fix it.

"Don't do anything that will get you in more trouble, Mercer. You're halfway finished with senior year."

And I couldn't wait to get out of that school nor could I wait to leave Oklahoma for good.


The door to my bedroom opens and in walk-in my father with an agitated look. He looks between Jules and I before keeping his eyes on me.

"Leave us for a moment, Jules."

A hesitant look crosses Jules's features as she looks between my father before finally getting off my bed and heading out of my room.

I prepared myself to listen to my father, watching him closely as he walked further into my room. His hands were in his pockets as he paced my room with a serious look on his face. He stops at the tall window on the far side of my room, closing his eyes with a contemplating look.

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