10. His Bed

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I couldn't believe I was doing this

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I couldn't believe I was doing this. I should have left her drunk ass there but I couldn't.

Not when there were people like Ty.

My blood ran hot just watching the fucker touching her with sickening thoughts. It made me want to go back and beat him up to the point he wouldn't be able to even think of taking advantage of drunk girls.

"Come on," I tell her.

It hasn't even reached eleven and I was already ready to lay down.

"Not until you take me home." She slurs, holding on tight to the seat belt.

I would have gladly taken her home but she wasn't even able to remember the damn address herself. She's in the passenger seat of my car, looking up at me lazily.

"I would if you'd tell me where you lived." I sighed, frustrated with her reluctance.

She opens her mouth as if to answer but her lips close and she shakes her head. Her stubbornness was fuel to my frustration. It was getting late and I was tired.

"Fuck it." I pull the car door further open and reach inside for her seatbelt.

"Hey-" She begins to protest but I cover her mouth with my other hand while I used the other to unbuckle her seatbelt. Her small hands fight me off, weakly, as I pulled her out of my car.

I grabbed her waist, placing her against the car so she wouldn't fall. To assume that her hands falling to her side meant that she was done fighting was a mistake on my part. The sudden wetness I felt against my palm forced my head to snap to hers. My eyes met her narrowed ones.

"Did you just lick my fucking hand?"

Slapping my hand away, she points a finger at me. "I told you to take me home."

"Give me your address."

"You'll use it against me." She murmurs. "You bully."

I sighed, beyond this. This girl was difficult as fuck. Did she not see I was trying to help her ass? I am crossing a line by even helping her. Hell, I made the mistake of even getting her out of the party.

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