Chapter 1 Origins of an Autistic Boy

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No one pov: 

The world has many things. One day a baby boy was born. He was born different than most babies. He had autism. Eventually his parents found out and didn't want him anymore. They put him in a place called St. Estes, home for unwanted disordered children. (y/n) was left there as that same baby. He had communication problems, but he was actually pretty smart. He loved to do things like puzzles and complex problems. He was still bullied because he was the youngest and were jealous of his intelligence. Some of them helped (y/n). They became friends to (y/n) and he felt more loved. One day, he was going to visit a different orphanage. He met the nice kids there and met Mika.

 He met the nice kids there and met Mika

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Mika: hello I'm Mika welcome

(y/n): I'm... (y/n)

They shook hands. Mika knew he was different, but he didn't care. He liked he was kind and smart. 

Mika: what do you like to do?

(y/n): I love... puzzles and hard problems

Mika: how about you show us?

Mika got a hard puzzle for him. (y/n) was very nervous but Mika supported him. 

Mika: take your time

Then (y/n) solved the puzzle very fast. The other orphans there were impressed and cheered for (y/n). (y/n) felt happy about himself and how nice they were. Mika offered him a cookie.

Mika: here you go

(y/n): thank you

He ate the cookie. Soon he had to go back. One day, the virus broke out to the world. (y/n) was 9 and the only one who survived in that place. Everyone else was 5 years at least older than him. (y/n) saw the horrors of their dead bodies. Then the vampires found him and took him. (y/n) never been more scared than before. 

Vampire 1: what's with him?

Vampire 2: this place is an orphanage for disordered children

Vampire 1: that is a pity

They took him to the city. Mika soon came and helped him find a place of his own. It was small but fine for one person. Over the years, (y/n) got to learn more from a library nearby. He had occidentally visit Mika and hang out. Mika likes to say to him.

Mika: we are all different. You should just be you. You are special too and have talent. Don't let fear or anything keep you down.

(y/n) always felt comfort from that. Then one day (y/n) found Mika's home abandoned. (y/n) tried to find them but he found out they died. He didn't know how they died. He was lonelier. After 4 more years, he was smarter and rarely ever talks to anyone. He likes being alone but wish sometimes he had someone to talk to.

Autism and Sick Love (Yandere Krul Tepes x Autistic Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now