Mason offers me a sympathetic smile. "I get it's a weird situation, Hads. But just remember there's no rulebook here. Do whatever you're comfortable with. You know?"

"I don't want to hurt Devon," I confess. "I'm scared if I'm too friendly with Sloane, it's going to cause issues. Even if Devon claims she's okay with us being friends . . . I feel like she just says that because Sloane is my neighbor, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Mason hesitates for a moment, an expression of understanding passing over her features. "Devon trusts you, Hadley," she reassures me. "It's been made pretty clear neither of you would intentionally hurt the other. Like you said–there's nothing you can do to change the fact that your ex is back. All you can do now is deal with the change, and find healthy ways to cope with everything."

"You're right." I wrap an arm around Mason's shoulders. "I love you and your advice."

Mason beams. "I am pretty good at giving advice, aren't I?"

I laugh. My grin is genuine as I reply, "You're the best at it."

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

I call Devon the minute I get home, though she doesn't pick up.

I try not to feel too disappointed when she texts to let me know she can't talk because she's at practice, trying to find something to do to distract myself from thinking too hard about how much I miss my girlfriend.

I decide to take Daisy for a walk, clearing my head as I inhale the fresh outdoors air, mindlessly strolling down the street.

I spot Sloane as I round the corner, standing by the stop sign at the end of the street as she walks her own dog. I debate turning around for a moment, though my feet and my mind seem to have two very different ideas.

I'm approaching Sloane before I can think better of doing so. She waves as she notices me, seemingly surprised when I join her side.

"Hey," I say upon reaching her. "Mind if I walk with?"

Sloane hesitates only a second before saying, "Of course not."

The two of us walk our dogs in silence for a moment. I speak up by saying, "So . . . how are you adjusting to the move so far?"

Sloane shakes her head, biting down on her lip as a grin stretches across her face. "What are you doing, Hadley?"

I'm taken aback by the response. I shrug lamely as I explain, "I don't know. Talking to you?"

Sloane narrows her hazel eyes as she peers at me. A shiver runs down my spine. I feel translucent under her gaze, as if she is seeing straight through me.

"You confuse me," Sloane admits after a brief pause. "One second you're saying you think the two of us can be friends, the next you want nothing to do with me. So which is it?"

I'd temporarily forgotten how bold Sloane can be. She's never been one to put up with people's bullshit. She speaks her mind, regardless of what she's thinking. I've always admired her confidence–I used to be so in awe of the way she always stood up for herself. However, it's a totally different thing to be the focus of her accusations.

"I guess it's both," I admit.

Sloane raises her eyebrows, though doesn't comment. I take her silence as a cue to continue.

"I don't know how you took the way things . . . ended between us, but I know it was hard for me. So I don't want to form a friendship with you if that's not possible."

I bite down on my lip, wondering if Sloane will be able to read between the lines to pick up on the hidden meaning behind my words.

I watch as Sloane's eyebrows furrow before realization dawns on her features. She freezes in the middle of the street, snorting as she meets my gaze.

"Seriously, Hadley?" she spits. "So you're saying you don't think I can handle being friends because I'm still in love with you?"

My face flames. "That's not–"

"That is so like you," Sloane mumbles under her breath. "Look, Hadley–not to burst your high and mighty bubble, but I'm not stupid. You're in a relationship. You've moved on. After all this time, what makes you think I haven't, too?"

"I didn't mean for it to come off like that," I explain. "I just didn't want to hurt you."

Sloane shoots me a glare. "You're an asshole, Hadley Carter."


Sloane doesn't allow me to get a word out before she's wandering off, head held high as she walks in the direction of her house. I follow after her despite my better judgment, calling her name to no avail.

Nothing works. Sloane doesn't even glance over her shoulder as she storms up her driveway. I feel helpless as I watch her walk away, knowing I'm in the wrong for implying what I did.

It isn't long before Sloane disappears from sight, closing the door as she enters her house, keeping me on the outside. I hang my head as I cross the street, a sinking feeling rising in my chest.

Oddly enough, I'm becoming pretty used to watching Sloane disappear.

a/n: triple update 😎

———a/n: triple update 😎

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