Chapter 18: Sudden Changes..

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(In Clayman's Castle)

No one pov

Due to the flow of the current timeline, there are more great changes it appears.

Right now the four demon lords Frey, Carrion, Clayman and Milim are watching the magic crystal ball that allows them to witness the scenario through the one's vision. They see a black haired masked woman transform her {Golden Flames} into a bow and shot the Orc Lord which made most of them shock as they were first to see a {Golden Flame} and its heat can be feel with them.

Milim in other hand. She's intrigued and become interested at the woman. After the battle, Milim saw something that she wouldn't ever miss in her lifetime. The crystal ball that is also hidden in thin air spot some unknown individuals then they look directly into the crystal with cold and ruthless eyes.

"I-impossible! How can they even see us?!!?!"

Clayman was only in panic because he noticed that look was ment for him alone.

"Interesting! Interesting! I will visit them right away nanoda!"

"Wait! Milim th-"

Before Frey could stop her. Milim has already leave. Carrion, Frey has sigh at her attitude while Clayman is displaying a disgraceful sight shivering in fear as if he saw his greatest fear for the first and last time.

To think that your planning something but you can't even handle the upcoming consequences.. What a coward you are Clayman.

Frey thought as she glance at the crystal and look to the certain individuals.


Rimuru's pov

"*smile* You're always arrive at wrong timing, Milim."

I mumble.

"Wahahaha! Hejememasite. I am the only Dragonoid in existence known as a Destroyer. Demon Lord Milim Nava!"

"Nice to meet you as well Milim. The names are Rimuru Tempest and they are my siblings. Ciel Tempest, Kisuragi Akatsuki, Kisuragi Ruby and Yumi Zaychik."

I pause and continue..

"So. What's your purpose for coming here? Are you here to avenge Gelmud? If that's the case. Im sorry you see, he committed such foolish sins so I'll have him punish with our own judgement."

I said while my eyes are turning cold.

Though I already know her reason but this is a different timeline and more importantly its not the same as the previous on, so I need be cautious at all time. Its very easy if I use my {True Perception}, but where is the fun in that? That's why, until 'their' arrival. We need to keep cautious as much as possible.

"Are you 'the ones' that my Father are talking about..?"

Eh? Why is her expression look so sad?

"Oh you mean Vel-nii? The Star King Dragon?"

Akatsuki ask. Milim nod slowly.

"I see so that's how it is.. Yes. We are your Uncle and Aunties my dear niece.."

I said sincerely and gently as possible as I open my arms for her. Milim who's hiding her true feelings by acting childish, immediately go to my arms and embrace her tightly.

In the past. Jullie gave the {Astral of Dreams} in terms of the agreement in order to maintain the current timeline. Those who put the necklace, will put you into the target's dream and bond with them but when the targets awake she/he can only see and hear you but the target will be not able to touch you.

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