Chapter 17: Orc Disaster

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(I hope you like it~)

(Lizardmen's Territory)

No one pov

The Lizardmen’s Head nodded once in response to the report on the progress of battle.

Since meeting Souei, four days had passed.

Tomorrow they would be reinforced. With no great casualties thus far, they’ll most likely see the sun rise again.

Orc’s attacks have intensified to the extreme.

Depending only on their resources, the passageways are overflowing with orcs. Orcs were affected little by the labyrinth, and merely swarmed through it.

By placing traps along the passageways, they managed to decrease their numbers–if slightly.

But still, thanks to the labyrinth the lizardmen were able to avoid any real losses. The labyrinth diverges many times, and emergency escape passageways are still usable.

They’ve been alternating the squads that fight the orcs most often, and quickly reinforce teams that have engaged the enemy.

Since this battle is under his direct command, he has no intention of becoming conceited.

Because the reinforcements are coming, because there is hope, everyone is somehow struggling by.

In reality, those who have fought the orcs were surprised by their strength.

These orcs were worlds stronger than the usual.

Right now, a single orc can challenge up to three lizardmen. Moreover, their power seems to be increasing.

This is, of course, the result of the Orc Lord’s command.

The Head also strictly ordered that those injured must immediately switch with out. Since, should the injury result in death, the orcs will become stronger.

Carefully, and without error thus far, they have been maintaining the defense line.

And only a day left.

When the reinforcements arrive, they’ll probably be able to make use of the terrain to crush every orc.

At the very least, they could at least alternate with the members stationed at the most important defense points.

Thus filling his head with wishful thinking, the Head relaxed a bit.

That’s when it came.

The news of Gabil’s return…


Gabil was indignant.

What’s with this! The prideful Lizardmen were cowardly hiding in holes from some lowly pigs! He was going blind from anger.

However, all would soon be fine. He had returned, and, like a proper Lizardman, would fight with pride.

With that thought, he headed to the Head.

"Well done, Gabil. I presume you’ve been able to obtain the goblin’s support?"

"Ay! We’ve been joined by 7,000 warriors."

"Is that so… with this, we’ll somehow make it."

"In that case, let’s engage the enemy at once!"

After reporting thus to the Head, he prepared himself for batle.

Now that he had returned, he could not permit the orcs’ selfish actions. Surely the head had been waiting for him to return.

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