"Wow... That's... Just wow." I stared at the ground, completely awe-struck.

"Yeah." He said. We continued walking towards the town, with barely any words said between us. We made our way up towards the little shopping center that held the music store. "Have you been here yet, Frank?"

"Yeah, when I first got here and walked around I came here. Man... That seems like so long ago. I came here, got freaked out by the dude who works here, then left." I blushed and looked down.

"You mean Ray? C'mon, Ray wouldn't hurt a fly." He laughed as we approached the door.

"He snuck up on me!" I chuckled, "and besides, his amazing hair was rather intimidating."

"Okay, I'll give ya that one." He smirked and held the door open for me. I stepped inside and memories from my first day here flooded back to me. What else did I do that day? Played guitar and slept. And the next day... I- shit, what did I do? Oh, wait... That's when I fell off the boulder and met Gerard in the middle of the night... Huh. Funny how things have changed since then.

"Frank? Hello? Earth to Frank?" Gerard suddenly waved a hand in front of my face, I guess I zoned out a bit.

"Oh! Shit- sorry, I uh, got distracted..." I trailed off.

"It's fine, I was just reintroducing you to the amazing person that is Princess Fro-Fro." He gestured to the tall, curly-headed man that had scared me right around two weeks ago.

"Hey, man! Great to see you again!" He smiled and I went to shake his hand, however he had other ideas seeing as he pulled me into a full on hug.

"You too," I laughed and hugged him back. I don't like hugs, never have and never will, just a personal space thing I guess. They make me uncomfortable.

After chatting with Ray for a bit, me and Gerard made our way deeper into the store and began sorting through artist after artist, record after record.

"Who is your favoritest favorite famous person?" I asked, bored of just sorting through the endless supply of music. Well, not bored per-say, because I could never be bored of music, but I just needed some interaction with something that could respond when I said its name.

"Well, I don't usually pick favorites... But if I had to choose... I guess it would have to be David Bowie."

"Really? Why?" I asked.

"To be honest, up I'm not entirely sure." He laughed and went back to reading over and album by nirvana- 'In Utero'.

"You know, you kind of remind me of a Russian David Bowie..." I giggled and shot me a look before we both burst out laughing. We started to quiet down, but we made eye contact and we simultaneously started laughing our heads off yet again. After a few minutes, Ray appeared beside us and told us that if we didn't calm ourselves down, we'd have to go outside because we were disturbing the other customers. The only other person in there was some old hag looking at Justin Bieber CDs. Why? I have no fucking clue.

We made our way outside (after laughing so hard neither of us could breathe) and checked the time.

"Holy shit, it's already 6:07. Your parents will be here in like twenty minutes." Gerard said.

"Yeah, might as well go ahead and get a seat." I mumbled before we pitched our way inside the small diner and got a booth near the back.

"Can I get you guys something to drink?" A perky dark haired waitress approached us, notepad in hand. I glanced around and noticed that we were in fact the only ones in here.

"LynZ! Hey' I haven't seen you in so long..." Gerard exclaimed, standing up and hugging the tattoo covered girl in front of us.

"Gerard?! Oh my god!" She wrapped her arms around him, "how've you been?"

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