“How did you pull this off? Us here in the middle of the night…” I asked, as we stepped into a room with a high glass ceiling.  Each part of this place was more magnificent than the last.

“I’m a donor.” He said. “And occasionally, I can call in a few favors and get them to let me come by after hours. They even let me play with some of the toys.” He smiled proudly.

I stood there, astonished, looking up at the night sky through the glass panes. I hadn’t even noticed that Niall stepped away until the ceiling began to open, the sudden noise making my jump. The cold night air poured in and he returned, a backpack over his shoulder. “Over here.” He said, walking toward the large white telescope that had now extended through the open roof. He put the backpack down on the marble floor, unzipped it, and pulled out a plaid blanket.

“You come prepared.” I said, as he draped it over my bare shoulders. He took my hand and we walked around the side of the telescope, and up a small staircase to a platform. “Is this lame?” he asked, shifting his weight nervously.

“You’re joking.” I said. “This is the single coolest and sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. And, you being a total dork just makes me like you that much more.”

He kissed me on the cheek, and then briefly brought his eye to the viewfinder. “Have you ever seen The Jewel Box Galaxy?” he asked. I shook my head. He smiled. “Good.” He said. “It was the first thing I ever saw through this telescope, and I want it to be the first thing you see, too.”

A hundred of specs of blue and white light shown bright against the black emptiness. One star appeared a bright orange. “It’s beautiful, Niall.” I said without taking my eye from the viewfinder. I was entranced. The light from these stars left them more than six thousand years ago, and I was seeing it now; from a hillside in Los Angeles.

Niall’s POV

I reached into the rucksack and pulled out the thermos and two paper cups. The cocoa steamed when it hit the cold air. I handed Roxy a cup, and pulled the blanket back around us. This bench outside the observatory overlooked the city, which was almost as good a view as the night sky. Nothing was better than the inside of this blanket, though. I am sure of it.  What I wasn’t sure of was what made me so comfortable with her, but it felt fantastic.

“You’ve certainly thought this through.” She said, sipping on her cocoa. “Which is good, because otherwise I’d be frostbitten.”

We sat in silence for a bit, the noise from the city below just a sight buzz in the background. “I’ve never told anyone that I come here.” I said. “It is my secret spot.”

She grabbed my free hand and laced her fingers into it, placing it in her lap. “I am glad you showed me. She said. “Secret’s safe with me. But why the Observatory?”

I took a breath and finished off my cocoa before speaking. “A couple of years ago, we were in the States on tour. The shows were going well, but after a few months of being on the road, I got really, really homesick. I couldn’t stop thinking about wanting to be the old me for a while. Sleep in my old bed, eat my mom’s beans and sausage for breakfast, spend the day around town with my friends, ya know?”

“You can still do that, can’t you?” she said, her eyes following mine.

“Sure. But not often, and only with careful planning.” I continued “On one particularly difficult day, we were in LA , scheduled to do two shows. I thought it would help me feel better about missing home if I could focus on making the best of the situation. So, I went to some shops to find a gift for my mum. In this little antique shop, a young girl asked me for a picture, her name was Laura, I remember. It reminded me of my mum. Anyway, it wasn’t long before word got out I was in the area, and the little shop filled with people, all wanting things signed and to take pictures. I felt the walls closing in, and knew I had to get out, but I didn’t want these people thinking I’m an asshole. Before long, though, the tight space got the best of me, and I pushed through the crowd and out the door.”

“You have anxiety?” she asked, concerned.

“Sort of. The crowds, they get to me sometimes.” I said. “So, after that, I drove aimlessly for a bit until I ended up here, at the Observatory. It was night time, and they were open to the public for viewing. I climbed those stairs we just climbed and looked at The Jewel Box, and it changed me.”

“How so?” she asked.

“You know, we give these interviews, and most of the time, the same questions are asked. The question I struggle with most is when they ask about fame. Usually, we just say how great it is, an incredible honor, how great the fans are, and so on. I’ve told that lie so many times, but I still can’t make it true. Fame is great some days, and I’ve seen and done so many cool things because of it.  But most days, I just want to be normal. And when I come here, it reminds me of just how meaningless my whole life is. I am a speck of dust in the universe.”

“Niall, your life is not meaningless…” she started.

“It is, Roxy. Don’t you see? It’s a wonderful thing.” I said, looking again to the heavens, hoping she’s understood what I was trying to say.

Roxy’s POV

I pulled my legs inside the warm blanket and thought about what he’d said. He fumbled a bit in the storytelling, but I am pretty sure I understand what he’s getting at.  I know what it’s like to find yourself humbled. Every day, I come home to my apartment, and open my fridge to find something to eat. The next morning, I see people on the street whose nights look much different. It’s a powerful emotion, humble. Initially, you feel guilty. But after a while, you have to let that go and instead decide what you’re willing to do to make things better, to make life better.

“Life is what you make of it, not what it makes of you.” I muttered. I tucked my hair behind my ears as the wind picked up. Niall brought his warm hands to my face.

“Exactly.” He said, giving me a soft kiss.  “I make my own happiness now.”

“You make me happy.” I whispered without thinking. I shut my eyes tightly, embarrassed.  What the fuck was that Roxanne? I thought.

“Dork.” He said, his lips on mine once more.  “Come on, it’s freezing, and the sun will be up soon. Time to get to bed.”

We retraced our steps through the observatory, stopping only for me to snap a quick picture of the swinging pendulum. The shot was blurred by the movement, but I didn’t delete it. We loaded into the car, and Niall gave the driver the name of my hotel.

 When the words left his lips, I was disappointed I’d be falling asleep alone tonight. “Dropping me off?” I asked.

“Not a chance.” He said. “Your hotel is closer. Is that okay?”  I snuggled into him and snuck my ice-cold hands up the back of his shirt. His body tensed, but he didn’t complain. I was never more thankful for light traffic, as soon we were in the elevator on the way up to my room. Once inside, I kicked off my shoes and started to clear the random articles of clothing from the bed. While he used the bathroom, I quickly changed into some cotton shorts and a cami, and sat on the edge of the bed to remove my jewelry.

I felt a tug on the bedspread underneath me. “I don’t have any sweats that will fit you, Ni.” I said, tossing my ring on the nightstand.  

“That’s okay.” he said. I turned to see him standing in his white boxers, a stark contrast to his black t shirt.  I realized I was staring.

“I just need to take out my contacts.” I said, bee-lining it for the bathroom.

“You should wear your glasses more often. They’re cute.” He said, as I slipped in under the covers next to him. I put my glasses on the night stand and flipped out the light. He slipped his arm around my waist, underneath my shirt. His skin on my tummy made me self-conscious, but he didn’t give me a chance to protest. He pulled my in tightly, our curved bodies locking perfectly.

“Thanks for an amazing evening, Niall.” I said softly.

“You’re welcome babe.” He said, fading into sleep.

I laid there and listened as our breathing began to synchronize. I wanted to stay awake and just feel him, feel this.

“You make me happy, too.” Were the last words I heard before slipping under.

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