After hugging Ellen and moving past the formalities, she sat down, resting her ankle on her knee as she got comfortable. "God, it feels like it's been forever!" The blonde woman exclaimed.

"Yeah," Y/N nodded. "It's been almost three years."

"No! There's no way!" Y/N laughed and nodded, never having been good with the scripted small talk. "Well anyway, I've listened to the new song." She turned to address the audience and cameras. "For those who don't know, and are living under a rock, Y/N just released her latest single: Bloody Valentine.!"

"Thank you." Y/N smiled.

"No, really, it's amazing. It's very 90's rock and it's cool to see a woman singing in a genre made famous from men." She went on. Y/N began to feel more awkward as she received more compliments. "So, how did this song come about?"

Finally, something Y/N could answer without feeling weird as fuck. "I had actually had this song done and dusted a while ago, and it was set to be the second single. And then I ended up going back and I was able to change the lyrics to it. It was about something completely different before." She explained.

"What was it that made you change the lyrics?" Ellen asked.

Y/N was prepared for that question and told exactly what to say in response. Thankfully, she didn't have to lie, just omit some things. "Well, I actually uh, hung out with this girl and then immediately, like two days later, changed the lyrics." More like a couple weeks because she had to get permission and had to argue with her team and label to allow her to do such a last minute change. Due to the fact her contract was coming to an end and her label wanted her to resign, they obliged to her request. That was part of what she had to omit.

"Does this girl know the song is about her? Has she heard it?"

"Yeah." Y/N smiled at the memory of Camila listening to the song for the first time.


"Wanna hear something?" Y/N asked, plopping down beside Camila on her bed. She had just come back from the studio and barged into Camila's room. "Hi, baby." She smiled, once she was next to her.

"Hi," Camila smiled back, leaning over to place a kiss on Y/N's lips. "And sure." She put her book on her nightstand and took an ear bud from her girlfriend.

The simulation just went bad
But you're the best I ever had
Like hand prints in wet cement
She touched me it's permanent

In my head, in my head
I couldn't hear anything you said but
In my head, in my head
I'm calling you girlfriend, what the fuck?

Camila looked over at her girlfriend as she began bopping her head to the beat. "Yeah? You like it?" Y/N asked, someone self-consciously.

"Yeah." Camila answered. "I do."

"Okay good, because—"

"Shh!" She covered Y/N's mouth with her hand. "Let me listen." Y/N smiled, enjoying watching Camila absorb the song. As it finished, she removed her hand. "Now, you may dialogue."

"Gee, thanks." Y/N rolled her eyes. "As I was saying, it's good you like it because it's the first song I've written for you...well kinda. Also it's getting released in a couple weeks."

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