Chapter 22: Willow

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Decker ended up staying away for six weeks of intensive therapy, a move I fully supported. His plan was to continue his therapy from Harbor's Edge, cutting back to three times a week. He still wouldn't talk much about his therapy, not because he was keeping things from me, but because it was still too raw and he was working on processing a lifetime of horrifying wrongs.

When he returned to Harbor's Edge, he stayed at the cottage, and I continued to stay in the bigger house with my full-time, live-in doctor, Caroline, and nurse, Fran. Although I never admitted it out loud, the highlight of my day was when he came over in the evening, and we'd spend time together, eating dinner, sitting on the back deck watching the ocean, just being together. Before he tucked me in for the night, he'd read to the baby for twenty minutes or so while rubbing my belly.

"Now go to sleep, nugget, and try not to wake up your mommy."

Then Decker would flash me a grin because he knew I wasn't sleeping more than forty-five minutes at a time, give me a brief kiss and tell me good night. I noticed his eyes always flashed to the items on my nightstand, and his face would briefly tighten, but he never pushed for a decision.

In fact, we had tacitly decided not to discuss the two paths open to us until after the baby was born. But every night I stared hard at that vase and those divorce papers before drifting off to sleep.

Three days before my due date, I was reaching into the cupboard to grab two mugs when my belly clenched, I felt a tiny pop inside me and then a rush of water down my legs. Harmony was watching me, eyes wide. Oh, boy.

Suddenly, I was in the zone, calm as could be. "Harmony, would you please let Caroline and Fran know that it's time to head to the hospital?"

"I'm on it," she said and flew from the room.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and called Decker with one hand while I grabbed a bunch of paper towels with the other and knelt to deal with all the water on the floor.

"Hey, sweetheart," he'd greeted me. I heard voices murmuring in the background.

"Is this a bad time? I can call back later," I said.

"Not at all. Just a meeting," he assured me.

"Oh, well, are you sure? Seriously, I can call back later if you're in a meeting."

"It's fine, Willow. Is everything OK, sweetheart?"

"Yes, I wanted to let you know that my water just broke and --"

"Hatch!" I heard bellowed before the line went dead. Hmmm...

As Caroline walked into the kitchen, I heard her phone buzz. She was followed by Fran and Harmony. They all looked at the puddle on the floor I was mopping up, then Harmony and Fran rushed over to me and made me stand up. Harmony took over clean up duties while Fran steered me to the bedroom.

As we passed Caroline, I knew she was taking orders from Decker, an amused smile on her face while she kept repeating OK and will do, somehow managing to refrain from rolling her eyes.

Fran helped me into the shower, asking if I was having any contractions, and we chatted while I showered and washed my hair. When I finished, she handed me a towel, then helped me out of the shower before she grabbed me a change of clothes. After I dressed, I braided my hair while I called Harp, Fin and Bet, letting them know what was going on. They all wished me luck and said they'd see me soon. With all tasks complete, Harmony grabbed my overnight bag and the four of us were heading to the door when Decker burst into the house, eyes a wee bit wild.

"Why are you still here? You should be at the hospital by now!"

"Willow needed to shower and change," Fran said calmly, quietly.

The Foster Girls #4: WillowWhere stories live. Discover now