Chapter 3: Willow

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In the two weeks since we'd met at The Bar, the three women had been actively pulling me into their circle, including me in group texts, asking me to join them for meet-ups or shopping or whatever.

For the first time in my life since my mother had died, I felt like this place could be home. However, I didn't quite have the blind trust in my radar anymore since I'd thought I had that with Deck, but I'd been so wrong. So very, very wrong.

It ate at me that I was holding back so much of myself with my friends, both old and new. Elizabeth, Harper and Finnie were still clueless about what Decker had done to me, and I dreaded telling them. Fortunately, we had a no communication rule for honeymoons, so they weren't expecting me back quite yet. I needed a little time before I told them, afraid their sisterly sympathy would undo all of the hard work I'd been doing to keep living my life. From the start, they'd been afraid of how fast Decker and I had gotten serious. I should have listened to them.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

I had realized over the last couple of weeks that I was desperately lonely for my sisters. The girls I'd met in Harbor's Edge seemed like they could be good friends, too. They never pressed me for details, but I know it seemed like I had just one day walked up out of the ocean and began my existence in Harbor's Edge. If I wanted to have meaningful friendships like I did with my sisters – and I really did – I'd have to let my new friends in.

Which brought us to today, the margarita gathering at my apartment.

Each of my girls brought me a housewarming gift and their thoughtfulness touched me more than they could have imagined.

We each grabbed a drink – I'd stuck with lemonade – and headed up to the rooftop.

Harmony had scored an amazing outdoor set for me: two loungers and a granite-topped table with six chairs. There was even a hole in the middle of the table if I wanted to get an umbrella...which I did, so Harmony was on the lookout. Next paycheck I was planning on adding a few big plants in pots.

I had some candles in hurricane jars (thank you again, Harmony) glowing on the table and we all settled down to drink and eat the munchies I'd provided.

"So rumor has it some totally hot guy was asking around town about you this afternoon, Willow," Raine said. "Flashing your picture and asking people if they'd seen you."

I froze, somehow not having been privy to this huge piece of gossip.

"He came into the Bakery today, too, right before closing," Daisy admitted. "He was Hulk-sized and had the prettiest green eyes."

"Byron," I sighed.

"You know him?" Harmony asked me sharply. "Are you in trouble, Will?"

"Not the kind of trouble you're thinking," I assured her. "He wouldn't hurt me. He's trying to find me for his boss."

Ever blunt, Raine just asked it straight out: "Who are you hiding from?"

Shaking my head, I couldn't help but smile at her assumption. "I'm not hiding. I'm just...not where they expected me to be and Byron's trying to make sure I'm OK."

"For his boss," Daisy said, trying to puzzle it out.

"Yes. Did either of you say anything to Byron?"

"Nope," Daisy said. "I just said you looked like a real pretty girl and I'd be on the lookout."

"Same," Raine assured me. "You may be new to town, but we're pretty tight-lipped with strangers."

The Foster Girls #4: WillowWhere stories live. Discover now