Chapter 14: Willow

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After getting off the phone with my doctor, I knew I had no choice. With shaking hands, I called Decker's number.

In the past weeks, he'd been getting settled in Harbor's Edge, somehow finding the time to be around me as often as I'd allow it, which was becoming more and more frequent. He handled me carefully, not mentioning things he knew upset me. Decker was acting more as a friend than as a husband or lover, accompanying me on walks with Bennett, going for runs with me, stopping by for coffee when I was working, walking me home after a shift. We talked a lot, but again, it was easy topics that were designed to not upset me or bring up the past. I was being handled with kid gloves.

Every morning, there was always a new small spray of flowers and one of his notes. But the tone of those had changed, too, and he had begun telling me simple things that he appreciated about me.

I was thinking about our walk last night, and how much I just enjoyed being next to you.

You're always beautiful to me, but last night in the moonlight you dazzled me.

You looked straight at me yesterday and smiled, and I felt like I'd been given a gift.

Whenever he came in to the coffee shop, Juliana arched that brow of hers at me and I knew she was waiting for me to tell Decker about the baby. My tummy had really popped, so I was relying on oversize sweatshirts. Fortunately, the weather cooperated and turned cooler, providing a reason for me to wear the hoodies, but I knew I couldn't keep my secret much longer. 

When he wasn't with me, he spent the rest of his time pushing the things he wanted and needed for his business through the city council. That included constructing a helicopter landing pad on the outskirts of town, where he'd purchased a small parcel of land for his bird, as he called his helicopter. Wherever Decker was, his bird was so he could get to the city rapidly if needed or back to Harbor's Edge. That helicopter was the reason I had no choice but to call him now. 

He answered on the second ring, his voice rougher than usual with sleep.

"Deck?" My voice cracked on his name. Hold it together, Willow.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? Are you OK?"

My control was rapidly unraveling and I sniffed as I tried not to give into the tears that threatened. "No. I need to get to the hospital in Bayport. As soon as possible. In the bird."

He had questions, I could tell, but he held them in. "I'm on my way, baby. I'm hanging up to call my pilot. Sit tight; I'll be there in less than five minutes. Hatch'll be there first."

Since he lived just down the street from me, Hatch got there two minutes later. I heard some scratching sounds from the front door, and realized Hatch was picking the lock to get in. I wasn't even that surprised. Hatch had skills. 

"Oh, shit, Willow," he said in shock when he saw me on the couch, clutching my belly. "I'm going to carry you downstairs. Decker'll be here in a minute and we'll drive to the bird together."

He scooped me up and hustled downstairs, holding me as gently as he could. He reached the bottom of the stairs just as Deck pulled up and he got into the front seat with me, pulled the door closed and told Deck to drive.

We made it to the helicopter in record time, and I could see the helicopter already lit up, blades whirling, the pilot in the cockpit with his clipboard running the final pre-flight check.

Decker jumped out and came to the passenger side, where he scooped me out of Hatch's arms and the two men ran to the helicopter. Deck gently lifted me into the seat and strapped me in while Hatch got into the co-pilot seat. Deck ran to the other side and hopped in next to me.

The Foster Girls #4: WillowWhere stories live. Discover now