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you sat in front of giorno with 5 cards in your hand.

'i have a plus four, a color changer, a reverse and 3 red cards...' you stared at the cards in your hand while giorno made his move.

a plus four.

'shit!' you picked up four more cards, smirking when you saw the plus four you picked up.

giorno looked at his cards, he had two green cards. 'hopefully my bluff worked and she thinks i have more plus fours.'

you stared intently at the cards in front of you, deciding to put down a plus four.

giorno narrowed his eyes and drew four. 'hm.. i guess it didn't work.'

you waited for him to make his move, watching every hand movement he made, the way his eyes darted from his cards to yours, counting them.

he tsked when he realized you had less. you smirked in response.

the game went on, "uno!" you called out.

giorno glared in frustration. 'damnit!'

you look at your card with a smirk, it was a color changing card.

"put down blue giorno." you said, to mess with his head.

'reverse psychology, wait... what if it's reverse reverse psychology... no, don't overthink it.' he put down a color changing card and changed it to blue.

you smirked and threw down your last card.

he grabs all the cards and puts them up, "that's enough uno for today." he muttered.

you chuckled and lay down, making room for him.

"are you going to tell your team? i've been sneaking in your room for the past 3 days." you laugh when you see his troubled expression.

"if i do then they'll annoy the crap out of me, have you even told your team?" he asked with a rises brow.

you chuckle nervously while rubbing the back of your head.

he sighs. "hypocrite." he muttered.

"hey don't call me that." you hug him from behind pulling him to cuddle.


"okay but seriously, who even likes the taste of this?" you complained at the taste of the candy.

you had never had licorice so giorno took you to the store to buy some.

he chuckled, "it isn't as bad as your making it out to be."

"really? want me to make you eat all of them then? look, there's a whole bag." you shake the bag aggressively.

"i wouldn't mind." he teased.

you push him away playfully. "whatever."


"giorno.." no answer. "giorno!" you whisper loudly.

"huh?" he slowly opens his eyes.

"hey giorno, i gotta go, i'll be back tomorrow." you peck him on the forehead.

you move away but get pulled back. giorno sits up in the bed, the blanket falling to show this toned body.

he pulls your face to his. "i love you." you kiss back.

"i love you too, bye." you peck him one more time.


"i'm worried about giorno, he's been looking happy lately but he's been staying in his room. he's even brought his papers in there." bucciarati ranted.

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