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"Wilma, huh." Giorno thought outloud.

"ever met someone with that name?" you asked staring out the window of the car.

"no, have you?" he asks breaking his view from the window.

"nope." you say softy. "it's a pretty night, huh."

Giorno looks up at the night sky, then his gaze lands on you. "yea...really pretty."

it's now been almost a week since you've been back in your hotel room.

you've only met with Giorno a couple hours each day to talk about the increase of drugs.

though it seems it's died down since you burned them all.

you've gotten a good look at everything you wanted too in italy, and soon you'd be done helping giorno.

thinking about that puts an empty feeling in you. but you can't place why exactly you feel like that.

'he's a good friend i'll miss working with him. friend? why did that word make me feel...down?'

'no, i can't be thinking about that right now. i have to help find the traitors. i grew up in Italy. it'll always be my home so i have to help.'

you cup your hands and splash cold water on your face before looking in the mirror.

'snap out of it. quit thinking about him. i have a job here and it's to help him.'

you dry your face before going to your suitcase to pick out something.

after a very short search you came across this cute outfit.

(if you don't like any of the pics i put then insert your own.)

since your going out and searching Italys bad parts today, you needed something easy to move around in

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

since your going out and searching Italys bad parts today, you needed something easy to move around in.

you planned on going and finding people who are still selling drugs on the street.

Giorno said he'd meet you at the airport because that's where a lot of people buy drugs.

you were now walking out the door towards the airport.

"oh i should call Lino and let him know i'm leaving." you mumbled.

"hey Lino. just to let you know i'm heading out. let Vanda and Paola know too. bye." you say without letting him speak.

'i have a feeling Paola and Vanda are going to be upset.'

soon you make it to the airport, and soon see the familiar ridiculous hairstyle.

"hello giorno." you say walking up beside him.

"hey y/n. ready to go?" you nod and you both walk to the alleyway near.

"is that all you got? then i guess you'll only get a teenth." you hear a raspy voice say, then chuckle.

"please! i'll pay you back. i really need it right now." a younger voice says back.

you and giorno look over at each other and nod.

you both walk closer to the guy. giorno puts his hand in the older ones shoulder.

he turns around quickly but before he can reach giorno slams his fist into his face.

the younger one cowered away and ran leaving the man laying on the ground.

"fuck!" he grunts in pain before locking eyes with yours.

"are you selling drugs?" giorno asks, as the guy was about to answer giorno kicks him hard.

"actually, i already know you do. are you in passione?" Giorno says kicking him again.

you glare at the man on the ground. 'disgusting'

"y-yea." he breathes out in pain.

"so you're selling drugs while in passione when the boss strictly forbid it?" you say leaning against the wall near them.

"t-the boss forbid it?" the man asks in fake confusion.

"the boss forbid it two years ago idiot!" you yell slamming you foot down on his ribs.

he gasps for air and clutches his stomach.

"what's going on over here?" you hear a distant voice yell.

"rap this up." you tell giorno.

he nods and gets closer to the man. "if i ever see you sell to someone again, i promise i will personally hunt you and your family down. and i will find you."

giorno looks over at you to sees you waving him over.

"let's go." you both start running. not even a couple seconds later a police man and a few pedestrians run over.

"i heard grunts and yelling over here!" a person says pointing into the ally you were just in.

you and giorno stop to get something to eat.

"you think that guy will stop selling?" you ask after taking a sip of your drink. 

"who know? but i intend to keep promise." he said. he then chuckled once he remembered something.

"what? why're you laughing?" you ask.

"nothing nothing, just remembered something funny." he waved her off.

giorno was laughing because he
remembered how he didn't tell his team he was leaving. and how abbacchio was probably going to be pissed.

'they probably think i'm dead. abbacchio probably thinks y/n killed me.' he grinned again and stopped himself from laughing.

you give him a deadpan look.

"sorry!" you can't help but grin at his cute expression. tears at the corner of his eyes from laughing. the way his voice sends chills down your body.

you can't help but want to get closer to him.

"hey giorno, how about we go to a caffe tomorrow morning?" you ask nonchalant.

a light pink covers his face. he looks away to hide it. "sure. i'm not busy." he coughs out.

you grin. "i'll see you tomorrow." you wave goodbye.

he does the same, yet his eyes linger where you stood a little longer.


"a date?!" Mista yelled shocked.

"for the last time! it's not a date." giorno punched the bridge of his nose.

he had told his team he'd be gone for the morning and they instantly attacked him with question after question.

"then what is it? a friendly hangout? alone?" fugo grinned when he saw how red giorno was in the face.

"yes! we are just friends, i don't like her." giorno felt a pang of sadness run through his body.

'why do i feel like that? even if i did like her... i'm sure she has feelings for Lino.'

that night giorno went to sleep with an empty feeling.

'friends? is that all i want to be?'


i literally don't even have a solid plot for this book yet. i'm just writing whatever comes to mind at this point

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Dressed for Slaughter Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt