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you awoke to the sun shining brightly in your eyes. you groan and roll over.

'i don't wanna get up'

you check the time and sit up when it says 9:00.

your feet make contact with the cold floor, it sent goose bumps to your body.

'it's cold in here' you rub your hands together to make heat.

you walk over to your bag that you and giorno picked up when you decided to stay over at his house.

you walk to the shower with your bag and close the door, making sure to lock it.

soon you finish with your shower and you get dressed.

you headed out of the room and to the living room.

you see giorno waiting on the couch reading a book.

"good morning giorno." you greet him.

"good morning y/n, let's go get breakfast." he says closing the book and siting it down.

you nod and walk out the door with him.

the ride wasn't long, which you were thankful for.

you and giorno sat across from each other in a booth.

"have you always styled your hair that way?" you ask pointing at the donuts on his head.

he chuckled. "nope. i started doing it when i got my blonde hair."

"interesting... have you always had blonde hair?" you ask staring at his hair.

giorno hoped you didn't think it looked weird. "no, i used to have black hair but it changed when i was 15."

you nod but don't say anything else, you were slightly interested on why it changed but didn't want to ask too personal of a question.

"why? does it look bad or something." giorno asked nervously, though you couldn't tell he was nervous.

"no, i like how unique it is." you hum.

'i wonder if it's soft.'

he chuckled and almost let out a sigh of relief. he was about to say something when a waiter walked up.

you both order than go back to talking.

"what about you? is your h/c your natural one?" he asked gesturing to your hair.

"yep/nah. it's been like this/i dyed it." you said while fixing your hair.

"when i stop being a mafia boss i'm getting a cat." you say out of nowhere.

"why can't you get one now?" giorno asked, confused.

"well, i would but my assistant isn't letting me." you dramatically sigh. "she told me i wouldn't have time for it."

"your assistant?" giorno cocked a brow.

"yea, her names emily. she's nice but, i almost fired her when she said that." you scoff.

giorno chuckled.


soon y/n and giorno arrive back at his house. they both take off their shoes and head to the living room.

at first they worked in the meeting room but then wanted to be more comfortable.

"ugh my back hurts." y/n complained.

"mine too. i wish the chairs were more comfortable." giorno agreed stretching.

"let's work in the living room from now on." y/n said picking up all the papers.

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