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after a couple minutes abbacchio came back with the lighter fluid and matches. he threw them over to Paola, who barely caught them, and started pouring it all over the drugs.

when they were completely marinaded in the fluid, you lit the match and threw it on there.

it all erupt into flames, you and giorno smiled while they burned.

the heat from the flames made your body warm.

sounds of crinkling plastic and the whisp of the fire echoed through the place.

everyone silently watched. giorno was glad this was almost all over but, finding the traitor was probably going to be harder.

he just hoped it wasn't someone he deeply trusted.

giorno looked up into the night sky, he saw all the beautiful stars in the sky. he hadn't realized it was so late.

'i can't let her go home this late.' he concluded.

"it's getting late, we have spare rooms if you'd just like to stay here for the night." giorno offered you. he was hoping you didn't turn him down.

you thought about it for a second before agreeing. "sure, it would be rude to leave right now. and i do like your company." you smile at him.

he registered what you said, before his face erupt in a dark blush. the tips of his ears were also red, he was a little flustered.

"a-alright." he silently curses himself for stuttering.

abbacchio over heard the conversation and tsked.

'what if she's an enemy?' he decided he'd just keep a close eye on you for the time being.

"Lino, Paola, and Vanda come closer." they all did what you asked and gathered around you.

"we're staying here for the night, please don't make a ruckus." you tell them while sighing.

"alright boss!"
"okie dokie."
"of course boss."

you then walked up to the blonde don. "will you show me to my room?" you ask the taller male.

"of course, follow me." he opened the main door and let you walk in first.

the mansion was huge, it also was very clean and neat. "nice place." you compliment.

"ah, thanks." he smiles.

"did you do all the designing?" you ask in awe. the place was beautiful.

"yea." he chuckled.

you continue to stare at the beautiful house, giorno steals a couple glances at you while you're distracted.

he just couldn't get enough of you. he honestly thought you were the most beautiful person in the world.

you both continue walking until you make it to a big hall way.

"these 3 right here are your guards rooms. which surround the one in the middle, which is your room. my guards rooms are on the other side, and my room is across from yours. there is a bathroom in each room." he tells you, pointing at everything as he says it.

you nod in understanding.

"say... i never did catch your name." you look into his enchanting eyes expectancy.

"giorno giovanna." he smiles. "and you?"

"y/n... y/n l/n. consider yourself lucky, i don't tell my name to everyone." you send him a soft smile while looking out the window.

"what a pretty name." he felt happy knowing he now knew your name.

"thank you." a light blush dusted your cheeks.

-meanwhile- (outside)

"NO OBVIOUSLY NOT NARACHIA!" fugo whisper shouts to him.

"jeez, you're so mean." narachia whines.

"hey guys..." Paola starts off, everyone's attention goes to her. "where's our bosses?"

everyone eyes widen as they look around frantically, except abbacchio, who stood there with an unamused look.

"WE LOST THEM?!" Vanda shouts in shock.

"what if an enemy got them?!" Narachia whispered incoherent things frantically.

"oh god i knew something would happen when he ate the 4th piece of cake." mista had sweat rolling down his handsome face.

"oh, i found them. they're inside." fugo stated calmly and points to the window on the 2nd floor where you can see you and giorno talking.

they all calm down and started walking inside. soon they made it to the room you and giorno are in.

"boss, we thought we lost you." Vanda runs over and hugs you.

you chuckle before patting her head.

"let's head over to your rooms." giorno looks at you.



now, you were standing in front of your door while giorno stood in front of you.

"breakfast is at 9. goodnight, y/n." he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles.

you felt butterfly from the way your name rolled off his tounge. "goodnight, giorno."

giorno couldn't help the dark blush that consumed his face. after you shut your door he gripped his shirt.

'you don't know what you do to me.'

he soon left and walked to his room, only to see his team there. they started teasing him.

"we saw the whole thing haha!" narachia laughed.

"you looked like a tomato." mista added.

"are you sure it's safe for her to be here?" abbacchio asked.

"yes, i trust her." he then dismissed them, changed into comfortable clothes and fell into a deep sleep, thinking about the h/c girl in the room across.

what he didn't know is you were getting teased too.

"you should've seen the look on your face boss." Vanda cackled.

"you sure you're not in love?" Paola shot a questioning look.

"guys! me and him are just friends. he is cute but think, we're both mafia bosses who live in completely different places. we both run different gangs. even if i did, which i don't, it wouldn't work out." they soon left muttering how you're no fun and you had the bed to yourself.

you then changed into sweat pants and a t-shirt before climbing into the soft bed and slowly falling asleep.

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