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beginning of part 1;

three knocks from your door interrupt you from your paperwork.

"boss, here are the papers from the latest mission." Lino hands you the stack of papers.

Lino Filomena, one of the people in your personal guard. he's 20 years old and stands about 6'0. he has long brown hair that's tied in a bun.

"ah, thank you." you smile up at him.

he bows in respect before leaving the well kept office.

'let's see... hm alright. traitors, that's nice.' you read through the papers before standing up.

your heels click on the marble floor. you were quite tired and hungry so you decided on taking a break.

it took a couple of minutes to reach the dining hall but when you did, you smiled in satisfaction.

there was already food being made. you smelled the amazing aroma of many dishes.

it was almost dinner time so you went to the bathroom to wash up.

afterwards you sat down with your team.

Lino waves at you but keeps his stoic face.

"hey boss." Vanda smiled brightly.

"good afternoon Vanda, Lino." you sent a small smile their way.

Vanda Fabio, she's 19 years old. she has short brown hair, like really short. she's about 5'5.

"where is Paola?" you ask Vanda as she was closer with the said girl.

"she was in her room last i checked." Vanda shrugs.

Paola Claudia, she's 19 years old. has chin length black hair. shes about 5'9.

"well can one of you go get her? it'd be rude if we ate without her." you thoughtfully say.

"yup." Vanda says nonchalantly before leaving.


as everyone dug into the dish you asked Lino a question as he was the one who kept an eye on Italy.

"how's Italy doing, drug wise." you asked before taking a sip of your drink.

"not well actually. recently the drugs have been getting worse around there." he mumbled. Lino isn't a man of much words, and he's rather reserved and quite.

"i thought don giovanna was doing a good job at getting rid of the drugs." you raised a brow while swirling your drink in the glass.

"he was, but it seems he's having trouble. drugs are being shipped to Italy at an impeccable rate." Lino pinches the bridge of his nose.

you don't say a word instead, you nod to let him know you heard him, then got up and heading to your office.

you decided to message him. after making sure you set up VPN's so you wouldn't be hacked, you send him a text straight to his computer.

hello, Don giovanna. i'd like to strike a deal with you, if your interested.

currently giorno was having a meeting with his most trusted capos and guards.

that being bucciarati, mista, fugo, abbachio, narachia, and a few unimportant capos.

"so your saying the drugs here have been rising?" bucciarati asked him.

"yes, and it seems i can't find how their getting in." giorno states professionally.

at that moment his laptop made a noise.

everyone fell silent as he checked the message.

hello Don giovanna. i'd like to strike a deal with you, if your interested.

"someone wants to make a deal with me." he excused the unimportant capos then leaned in his seat and sighed.

"well, who is it?" mista asked while getting ready to feed his bullets.

"i have no idea." he muttered before texting back.

yes, i'm interested. but i'd like to know who you are and why you want a deal with me. - giorno

not long after he received a text back.

my apologies, i'm the boss of Aprile and id like to help you with the drugs that have been increasing in Italy. - boss of Aprile

this made giorno raise a brow.

"it's the don of Aprile." he muttered.

everyone's eyes widen in shock.

"you mean... the don of Aprile texted you?!" fugo shot up from his seat.

everyone except abbacchio, who was only slightest bit interested, came around giorno and watched him text back .

alright. there must be a catch, care to tell? - giorno

after a couple seconds they reply.

"god they reply quick." mista mutters.

i'd like to meet in person to help you. - boss of Aprile

"you think he's an enemy?" abbacchio asks.

"maybe." giorno mutters.

alright. but my personal guards will be there. -giorno

he waits for a reply and his eyes widen when he reads the message.

that's fine, mine will be there too. if you feel more comfortable we could meet at a popular place. - boss of Aprile

alright. when would you like to come?- giorno

tomorrow. know a place you'd like to meet?- boss of Aprile

Libeccio. 12 pm would be nice. -giorno

after that he didn't get another text so he assumed they'd be there.

"woah this is so cool! this is the first don to ever personally reach out to you." narachia exclaimed.

"i heard that the don of Aprile is brutal. i've heard some stories." bruno added narachia shuttered at bruno's words.

"everyone be on your guard tomorrow. we don't know if they have stands and we don't know if he will try and attack." he reminded.

"yes boss." everyone said.

as you packed for the trip you told your personal guard that you'd all be leaving tomorrow.

they nodded, didn't ask questions, and went to pack. leaving abruptly was normal for them.

you made sure to only pack what was necessary. you reminded them you wouldn't be there too long.

you were quite excited to visit Italy after a long time.

you made sure to tell your assistant to book flights and send a limousine there.

you fell asleep knowing tomorrow would be a busy day.

the writing gets better i promise.

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