"It's merely a trifle. Still plenty to do. Ain't quite finished it yet. It'll look the business when it is, though." Mr. Beaver replies embarrassed

"Beaver, is that you? I've been worried sick! If I find you've been out with Badger again I... Oh! Well, those aren't badgers. Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day." Mrs. Beaver says coming out of the Dam and seeing all of us. "Look at my fur. You couldn't give me ten minutes warning?" She says angrily at Mr. Beaver.

"I'd have given a week if I thought it would've helped." Mr. Beaver jokes making us all laugh.

"Oh, come inside, and see if we can't get you some food, and some civilized company." Mrs. Beaver says opening the door.

"I hope I'm not included in that statement." I joke at her

"Aurora! But you're...your" Mrs. Beaver says seeming to have finally noticed my human form.

"Not a lion?" I offer her smiling.

"Oh come inside dearie!" She says before she pulls me inside with everyone else following behind us.

Inside the Beavers Dam we had just finished introductions and now we were discussing ways to help Mr. Tummus.

"Isn't there anything we can do to help Tumnus?" Peter was asking us.

"They'll have taken him to the Witch's castle. You know what they say. There's few that go through them gates that come out again." Mr. Beaver tells him.

Mrs. Beavers dashes over and plunks a plate on the table. "Fish 'n' chips!" seeing the sad look on Lucy's face she says. "But there is hope, dear. Lots of hope."

"Oh, yeah, there's a right bit more than hope! Aslan is on the move!" Mr. Beaver says whispering the last part. Surprising me.

I hadn't known that my father was back. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver probably thought I heard. They didn't know that I was Alan's daughter. Only Mr. Tummus knew. Even though my father and I were both lions no one had seen him in a very long time and the beavers had not even been born when he was here. It wasn't that I didn't trust them, I just didn't want them to have that information in case the white witch had some reason to question them. I looked up at the children who looked serene as Edmund comes over from his place on the stairs.."Who's Aslan?" He asks.

"Who's Aslan?" Mr. Beaver says laughing. "You cheeky little blighter."

Mrs. Beaver elbows him. "What?" He says looking at the children's confused faces.

"You don't know, do you?" Mr. Beaver says looking at them.

"Well, we haven't exactly been here very long." Peter says after looking at his siblings.

"Well, he's only the king of the whole wood. The top geezer. The real King of Narnia!"

I notice Edmund pull a face and walk away.

The Great Cat's Daughter - (Narnia: Prince Caspian/OC)Where stories live. Discover now