"Hey, guys can I please take to Tiana a little later, like in this period?" Aryan questions, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand. Looking anxious about something. Giana and Taeyong give him a suspicious look but with a hint of a death glare.

"We will think about it," Devon and Gabriela both snap at him. They were so in sync it was a little weird.

"Please even if Taeyong came with her, I wouldn't mind," Aaryan shivers, looking like fear just spread through his body. The bell begins to ring signalling the first period.

"Let's talk outside now," I retort, starting to walk outside the classroom. No one was in the hallway beside a few later students.

"What do you want now, Aryan?" my words covered with poison, making my annoyance recognisable. I cross my hands over my chest and look at the classroom, we just came out of, Trying not to look at Aryan in the eyes,

"I hope we can still be friends even though I choose Amber over you," Aaryan gently states, rubbing the back of his neck, having an unsure expression. He knew exactly what he would say to get me mad at him. The audacity of him, for trying to get me mad.

Still be friends, after what you did, the pain you caused me. Why the hell would I, who in the right mind would pick a man like you...ooh wait me. I did make a mistake but at least now I can grow from the mistake.

"Aryan, I hope you know she is the one you want and that was the reason to let me go. I hope you see a future with her, her being your wife, the mother of your kids. I hope you look at her with sparkles in your eyes with the same eyes you looked at me and said 'I love you'. The same eyes you looked at me with and wanted to date me, the same eyes you saw my body with. I hope you see her as a lady and not a girl. I hope at 3 am if she calls you, you pick up and talk for hours. I hope she makes you feel wanted not needed. I hope that if she ever needs you, you will drop everything for her. Facetime from dusk till dawn. I hope you do not get bored of her the way you got bored of me. I just hope you are happy with your decision," I plead, walking away from the hurt that has left a hole in my chest. Feeling like if I do not walk away, I would have punched him in the face or bowl my eyes out. Anurak walks past us.

"You are nothing, Tiana. You are nothing without me," snaps Aaryan, "You are a useless piece of shit, that is why I left you."

If only he knew the things I have don't, the people I have killed. He wouldn't be getting me angry.

Anurak looking at him in horror but furry takes over his expression. I stop in my tracks, turn around and snarl, "I am a god, I can bring life and so as well end it be careful what you say to people, it might come back to bite you or make you end up dead with no traces of the killer." With that, I turn on my heel and walk away. The pain was eating me inside and it was slowly turning to anger.

I am a trained assassin, Aryan be careful. You do not always know people. If I wanted to, you would be dead, and no one would suspect me. I need to calm down before I end his own life.

Walking into class and I feel like I was going to cry from the anger eating me inside, sadness and now annoyance that Aryan thinks I need him to be worth something.

I am a trained spy, bodyguard, assassin, and hacker. I do not need a boy like him to tear me down and telling me I am worthless than my actual worth. I have more money in my private account that I can buy his whole family tree.

"Alex, please can I have a can?" I ask feeling like caffeine will make me feel better. He nods his head and hands me a can.

"Thanks," I say as we all start chatting. I like the fact that my friends didn't ask the topic and you can tell they wanted to.

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