twenty. (2)

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I've looked death in the eyes once in my life.

However, I've seen its back way more times than I can even count.

I've seen it interact with Deku.

I've seen it with her.

I've seen its shadow, next to them, looking for them, breathing so close; and I.., no matter how much I yell, beg and shout at it to look at me istead of them...

It always seems like it wants everyone but me.

Or that's how it has so recently felt.

Either I want it or not, since I had it there, right next to her, looking straight in the eyes of a woman I now love so hard...

I just.., I can't stop thinking on the time it may happen again; even if it's from afar, I... I don't know, I can't be calm anymore.

I don't know.

I really don't.

"Shall we go now?" Deku tells me, in a low and sufficient voice. "It's kind of making me anxious to leave her alone for so long."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same, actually" I murmur, nodding at him, taking then just some water to bring to her in case she hasn't gone to bed yet. Though I doubt it, the pills always make her very sleepy.

So we say goodbye to those who're here now, they ask us to keep them informed about Curly, and so just wish a last good night.

As soon as we go up stairs, I see how Deku puts his fists in his pants pockets. That means he has something on head, it's not hard to notice.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Mh?" He does, looking at me, paying me the proper attention, like he now does every time I talk to him.

"What's up? What are you thinking about?"

"Ah, well, it's just..." Murmurs, pursing his lips. "You know, Sero will get the things tonight."

I frown, even though I'm honestly surprised. "What? Now?"

"Yeah, he told me right before leaving, he's meeting the guy in an hour or so."

"Mh..." I say, nodding, understanding then. "I see. What is it that worries you then?"

"It's just.., he thought it'd be better if he makes that call first..."

"What? Why?"

"I think he wants like- to know everything before her?"

"So.., we're making two calls?"

"Yeah, basically. But.., as far as I know, the device only works once, if.., well, if he takes this chance, we'd have to wait for the guy to make one more, and.., well, I.., I don't know, I feel like she's getting worse to wait that long..."

Hm, I see where the key point of his concern is.

I also don't know exactly how this device works, but it doesn't last more than a few hours. Our plan at the time was to give Curly a chance as soon as we had the phone, but knowing it is here right now and no one is mentally prepared..., well, I think.., yeah, our best choice is to let Sero talk to them first.

"I think that's better too" I tell him. "I don't want her to talk to them all of a sudden when neither of us know shit. It sounds so much better if Sero takes the chance to ask, I mean, what took us the most time was finding that guy, we won't make her wait that much this time."

Deku thinks about it, real hard to know pros and cons. At the end of the day he makes all the reason on what I just said; as much as we want this to end fast and soon, we just cannot pressure her like that.

In another eyes. [ENG] [Dekubaku x OC]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ