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I learned something so important a while ago.

We are not all equal.

And more than a spiritual, mental, even physical aspect.., I.., I mean it in the abilities and capable things that, not so long ago, were called superhuman ones.

In a world where sixty percent of the population have a gift, a super-power or.., well, a quirk... there's not that much to expect as a "quirkless".

My country in general is one of those.

I wish they could explain to us why we don't have as many super-abilities as everyone else, why we're not the same, why we have to defend ourselves from others as if having something different would make you less human...

I wish someone could explain it to me one more time cause.., to be honest.., believing this fake history is getting harder every passing day.

I love my country. I love it with every cell in my body; the people, the customs, the cities, towns, nature, the.., God, our food is.., is living in the best place on the entire earth.

What I don't love is how they treat all of us. I don't love our disadvantaged situation, our regime, I hate.., I hate our government with every cell in my whole body.

I wish I could do something.

I wish I had the right skills to help my people, the mind to explain the truth, the heart to help everyone to understand, to walk on the same ground with the exact same and equal freedom we all deserve.

I'd wish I could do something.

I'd really wish so, cause right now, all I want is to leave here.

In another eyes. [ENG] [Dekubaku x OC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora