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"Hey, I checked it out. You know, my turn". Bakugo says, getting here to our table, taking a seat. He hands me the juice I asked for to the cafeteria and starts eating, without the slightest intention of covering his mouth when he speaks. "Sunday morning, you can?"

I immediately know what he's talking about, so I quickly remember my work hour for that day, nodding then. "Yeah, 's fine to me".


"You're going out to a date or something?" Asks pretty eyes, curious.

"What? A date? With that guy? Not in this life, dude" I say, amused. The blonde keeps on his food, tho with a grin and a show of a middle finger to me. "No, I just changed my turn with Mina, this round me and Bakugo are going to the grocery shop. So.., you know, if someone wants to ask some errands" Talking to the whole table, "Ask it to me, okay? Also, if you want something special in the kitchen, I can take that".

Everyone nods, and Denki, of course, it's the one who I already know is gonna ask for that goddamn cereal "Can you take the-"

"The one with the marshmallows? Of course I'm taking that one".

He places his fingers in his mouth, sending a kiss straight to me. "Hope it lands on your right ass-cheek".

Everyone at the table laughs, he's such a moron. I love him.

"Speaking of right ass-cheeks" I remember, now speaking to freckles here next to me, "Didn't you need something to buy?"

"I do, yeah" He says, "I'm running out of everything in my bathroom, I even had to ask Sero for toothpaste this morning..."

"Come with us then! You're free on Sunday morning too, right?"

He thinks about it, nodding when he remembers his work hours too. "I.., yeah, I think so, my shift starts at four".

"You coming with us then?"

"Mhm. I can join, right, Kacchan?"

He shrugs, tho he doesn't look back. "Whatever".

"Cool. I'll go too then". He says, smiling big.

The situation with Bakugo and Deku has been.., weird.

It's been three weeks since Bakugo told me how he felt about my boy here, and even though at first it seemed like everything was as normal as ever, I soon started to notice those little differences.

For example, when anyone asks or says something, Bakugo doesn't shut the fuck up, I mean, like usual. However, when Deku's the one who does that, Bakugo just answers what it is, never saying anything extra. Like.., he just can't say more than what he should.

Or like.., he's just afraid of talking to him.

I don't know what's exactly going on with Bakugo, that damn bighead literally refuses to talk about it again. I mean, I haven't wanted to pressure him either, so.., we're in a dead spot with all this matter, I guess.

I just know I have to fix this mess.

And not because it's my responsibility, it just.., I don't like to watch them both being in this kind of situation...

I just want them to be okay, so...

If I can help...

Then I will.

* * *

"Where is it?" I ask, landing, running right away.

Today we're on a surprise exercise in City section, on random teams: we gotta search and rescue a robotic doll hiding from some other mafia robots.

"By sixth and fifth" Todoroki answers.

In another eyes. [ENG] [Dekubaku x OC]Where stories live. Discover now