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So.., I've been thinking.

How is it possible for her to carry stuff if she's supposed to weigh nothing?

"Mr. Aizawa" I call, stopping their feedback.

"What's up?"

"It's just... I mean-" I say, half shaking my head to be clear on my words, they let me stay in their training and I don't wan them to say to fuck off for saying nonsense. "I know you may thought about it by now but.., like- how she can carry all her equipment? I know she doesn't have that many stuff for the same reason, but her boots have like a hell of platform, her backpack must also weigh and sometimes she carries weapons and all that; shouldn't gravity must do its thing and take her straight to the ground?"

Mr. Aizawa seems not to be bothered at all, and calmly answers: "I actually asked her that last week, her quirk makes her weigh less than anything, so in order to fly she must weigh less than what the thing weighs, in addition to increasing the negative number to her own weight to compensate what she carries."

I frown, I half get it half didn't understand a damn. "How you know it works that way?"

She finishes drinking the water, and still agitated from training, answers me. "That's the only explanation I could find, I kind of have a hard time when I carry heavy stuff while being light, I guess there's a limit of the weight I can lower myself."

I pause, thinking about it. I mean, she has a great advantage with her fly, but not when it comes to saving people, literally the weight of the person pulls her down and that always makes her super anxious; she panics and screams until she tears her throat to bring the help she cannot give.

"So, basically..." I murmur, "You just increase the negative weight number to compensate the object?"

Nods. "I guess."

"You sure that's how it works?"


I giggle, standing up then. "Can we try something?"

Mr. Aizawa, curious, tells me; "You have a theory?"

"Yeah, something like that, do we still have the scale Yaomomo created?"

He, even more interested, nods. "Yes, let me look for it."

We both nod, and he hurriedly goes.

"What'ya thinking about?" She asks, confused.

"Mh.., do you remember how you explained to us your quirk worked?"

"Ah.., with two opposite poles of energy..."

"Exactly, why you say it's energy?"

She shrugs. "That's how it feels when I activate it, like... a current."

"Like electricity?"

"Kind of?"

I grin, nodding then cause everything seems to make sense to me. "Well, that's exactly my theory, you know what are the properties of energy?"

"It's conserved," She lists, using her fingers, "It's not created nor destroyed, it's transformed and transferred."


She frowns, kind of following me now. "You think I transfer my quirk and that's how I can lift things up?"

I open my mouth to answer, however, Aizawa gets back here first. I quickly explain everything, and he, interested, says: "Let's check it out, then."

He places the scale on the ground, and I take the first thing I see: a ten kilograms weight. I put it there, the machine showing the number right away.

Wen sits on the ground, asking then; "How you want me to do this?"

In another eyes. [ENG] [Dekubaku x OC]Where stories live. Discover now