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Everything's been so quiet.

It hasn't been crazy and loud in the Bullock or Gallagher household.

When they are together and I enter the room they look at me and quit talking.

I hate it.

I hate all of it.

I hate everyone.

I hate everything.

One more bad thing happens in my life I think I might loose it.


Ever since I came home from the hospital everyone's been treating me a piece of glass that'll shatter as soon as you say a word.

And of course my father nor Frank give a shit, and when Vinnie did come back and ask why we were all mopey he was surprised to find out I was even pregnant in the first place.

"Babe?"Ian's voice filled my ears. I lifted my head from the dining table with droopy, red eyes with mascara smeared all around it.

"Hey,"he smiled softly, sitting in the chair next to me rubbing my back, he gently pulled me into him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah."I whispered, my voice raspy. I've barely said a word in the last three days.

"I know it's been hard."he planted a kiss on my head.

"Yeah."I closed my eyes, a tear rolling down my cheek, "we just never got to meet him-"

"I know, I know."he cut me off as tears started to fall.

I opened my eyes seeing Jug and Jason standing in the doorway watching me ball my eyes out and Ian attempt to calm me down.


I walked into the Gallagher living room with a half empty bottle of tequila, I swigged it around the bottle before being the whole to my lips, taking a long swig. I stumbled looking at the two families.


"Nothing."Jason smacked his lips.

"Why'd you stop talking? I wanna know what was going on with Ronnie. I'm your big sister aren't I? Can't I know about the baby on the way?"I choked on my own words, I don't know how but I managed.

"Yeah it's just-"Pietro started

"Just what? That I lost my baby so you think I don't want to hear about your baby? That I'm sensitive at that subject now? All of you act like I'm a fucking bomb, like I'm gonna go off as soon as you even say one single word around me. Like you have to filter everything you say around me. I don't give a shit! My son died, there's nothing I or anyone can do about that. People die, things die! No one can change that. Now please, stop treating me like I'm fragile, please. I just want everything to go back to normal."I pleaded, tears started streaming down my face. I didn't even realize Ian got up until he caught me right before I fell over. He dropped to his knees pulling me down with him. I cried into his chest gripping his shirt in my hand.

"Normal, I just want everything to be normal."I whispered, my eyes becoming droopy. It was hard for me to keep them open. Before I knew it, I fell asleep in Ian's arms.


*Jugs pov*

"She's right, guys. We need to stop treating her like she'll break at any given moment. I hate seeing her like this. I want everything to go back to normal again."I stated looking at everyone.

Everyone mumbled a yeah or nodded their head, except Ian. He sat on the steps staring at the bottle of tequila that my sister held a few moments ago. He stared at before bringing it to his lips taking a long swig.

"You good man?"Lip asked as we were all now looking at him.

"Yeah, it's just hard,"he looked up at all of us, "When the doctor said they did everything they could, my whole world shattered. I felt, like I didn't exist anymore. Like there was no need for me to be here, anymore. But I got past that, I remembered my family, and how you guys need me. And I remembered I need to be here for LJ, be the dad she deserves, and Nova. God, I don't know what I'd do without her. Or what'd she do without me, I don't think I could ever be a single dad, or her be a single mom. But she has a point, we are treating her like a bomb. And we need to stop, she was pregnant, and she lost it. We both lost it. We all, lost it. I lost my son, she lost her son, LJ lost her little brother. You guys lost your nephew or cousin, possibly a godson. We all lost some pretty important people in our life. But hey, now we have someone looking down on us right, Dezz isn't so lonely up there anymore. She has her nephew. To be honest, I'd rather Dezz meet my boy before I do. I think she could use a friend."

Tears formed in my eyes at his words, at the mention of Dezz. I never even thought about that, how lonely she must've felt up there. But now she's not alone. She's got her nephew. And I know she'll take good care of him for us.

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