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"Oh girl you have no idea how bad I needed this! Like I'm pretty sure I saw a family of some bugs living up under my nails."V rambled while we got our nails done.

"V when you need stuff like this done come to me, I'm always down to dump the girl on Ian and get my nails done."I laughed glancing at her

"Really you don't have to-"

"I don't. But I'm choosing too. I got money for practically everything at this point."

"So why don't you move into a house with Lj and Ian?"

"I- I don't know. I guess I'm not ready to leave home y'know? Not sure if I'm ready to trust jeremey in charge of the twins."

"Aren't they like, ten now?"

"Twelve I think."I furrowed my eyebrows

"Their almost teenagers. They can handle themselves. Their used to this lifestyle by now. Honestly sometimes I think about ushering the girls out the door and letting them live their lives."

"I'll think about it, okay? And I'll talk to Ian about it. Y'know he asked me the other day if we could start trying for another baby."

"Oh girl, good luck."

"Gonna need it, can barely handle one."I smiled looking down at my acrylics.


"Girl that looks so good!"V shouted watching me model walk to her.

"I know. I don't think I've ever tried black."I took a strand of hair between my fingers examining it.

"You need to keep that for as long as you can. It, looks, so, good!"she took my hands ushering me out of the door and to my car.

"I didn't tell anyone I was changing my hair. I decided to do it while we were getting our nails done."

"Well it looks fantastic. It suits you so well, I don't know why you weren't born with it!"

"Do you think Ian will like it?"I asked, turning onto our street.

"No, he'll love it!"

"He better."I parked the car, getting out and going up to Ian's door opening it, V going to her house after we said goodbye.

"Nova? That you?"Ian shouted from the kitchen, I didn't answer, I leaned against the doorframe watching him run around with LJ in his arms sleeping, he was making chicken enchiladas. My favorite.

"Nova?"he called out again, he turned his head slightly.

"Hey, there you are- holy shit! You look gorgeous darling!"he came over to me, hugging my side and kissing my head.

"Thank you Ian. How long has she been sleep?"I asked, attempting to take her but he went back to the food.

"About twenty or thirty minutes. Haven't gotten the chance to put her down. Been running around y'know?"he glanced back at me.

"I can take her-"

"No its fine."

"Ian, give me the child."I put my hand on his free shoulder making him look at me, I gave him that look.


He handed her to me carefully, I jogged up the steps holding her head going into Ian's room setting her down on her bed.

"Sweet dreams babygirl."I covered her up kissing her nose.

"Dinners ready."he smiled at me, setting two cups onto the table, in the center way a pan of enchiladas.

"It looks amazing."

"Not as amazing as you."he grabbed my waist kissing me roughly before going to the kitchen to grab drinks.

"Why'd you dye your hair?"he asked, pulling my seat out for me.

"Felt like I needed a change. And I wanna look snatched for our upcoming wedding."I grinned at him.

"Does that mean I should dye my hair back to black?"

"No god no. If you do how will be able to tell LJ is yours when we're in public?"

"Have you seen her? It looks you just put one of this filters on me that makes me look like a girl!"he laughed

"I guess. But she has my eyes."

"I hope you mean eye shape, because she definitely has my eyes. And nose. But your beautiful lips."

"And your gorgeous smile."I added

"She is such a fifty fifty baby."he chuckled, taking a bite.

"She is. Speaking of babies."I cleared my throat, looking at my plate, he stared at me with high hopes, "I'm late. For my period."

"Are you serious?"he half smiled, I nodded, "baby that's wonderful! Did you take a test yet?"

"Don't get your hopes up cause no I did not. I wanted to do it with you. I have one at my house in my room."

"Ok. We can do it tonight."

"Someone's eager."

"There's a chance my baby mama and fiance might be pregnant of course I am."

"I'm glad, Ian."

"I love you."he stared at me with a soft smile.

"I love you."


"Flip it over."I sighed, turning the timer off.

Ian pulled me into his side, kissing my head before looking down at the stick my eyes were glued too. He slowly picked it up, flipping it over.

I stared at it, my eyes widening. I looked up at him seeing he was already staring at me.

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