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"How are the twins doing?"Ian asked as we cuddled in my bed.

"They're fine. They're still trying to get used to everything, the whole having to team up and steal food, fighting every other day than having dance parties in the living room."I shrugged laying my head on his chest.

"That's good. I'm glad their doing okay."he rubbed my head.

That's when my phonr started ringing.

I groaned reaching for it seeing JB was calling.

I answered, "what?"

"Bruce was arrested."

"What the fuck? Are you serious, oh my god. Where is he now?"I sat up.

"Jason and I are at the station trying to get the cops to let us talk to him, Ivy's at home with the twins. Meet us here."

"K, I'll be there in fifteen."

With that I hung up looking at Ian telling him what happened while I got ready.

We ran downstairs and to the station not having time to take the El.

"Where is he?"I asked going over to my brother's.

"Back room."

"Why'd he get arrested?"I asked sitting next to Jason.

"He got caught beating on some kids who were making fun of Dezz, he went to see her grave and some bullies from her school were there throwing garbage and spray painting shit on her stone. He got pissed and beat them up, some family saw him and called the cops. One kids dead, one's in a coma, and two are seriously injured."

"Oh my god. He- he killed a kid?"I whispered

Jason nodded swallowing, "yep. Our brothers a murderer."

I covered my mouth tears swelling in my eyes.

"Pietro Bullock?"a cop called out causing us all to look up.

"He's ready to speak now."she nodded

We all raced to the room her was in.

I sat down across from him.

"What the fuck, Pietro? You killed a kid."

"They were defacing her grave."he whispered staring at his hands.

"That doesn't make it okay!"

"A child's dead because of you! Some kids parents lost a child, because of you."

"They defaced Destiny! Who does that? What one of them is dead so what I caught them doing is okay now? I kicked one of them to hard in the face making him die so now them vandalizing a grave is okay? They're bullies, all they did was beat kids. They deserved it. Piece of their own medicine."he smacked the table making us jump.

"Look I get it, they pissed you off. I would've been pissed too-"

"So you and Jughead can kill little kids who picked on bullies who were being mean to Dezz is fine, but as soon as I do it I'm a terrible human?"he cocked his head.


"What? You know I'm right."

"There's a difference. A huge one."JB pushed himself off the wall finally speaking. He stood next to me looking out brother dead in the eyes.

"Really? How?"Pietro tilted his head.

"We're legal. And smart about it. How many times have we gotten caught beating kids or arrested? Not once. We don't kill them. We just give them what they actually deserve. I would've been pissed off too, probably more than you are if I caught them. But I wouldn't kill them. Not in a million years would I kill a kid. No child deserves death. No parent should have to go through, loosing a child. We all lost Dezz, we all took a place in raising Dezz too. So it feels like we lost a daughter. And it's so so hard I get that. But that doesn't make it okay to kill someone. Now you, get to sit in here. For however many years they put you in here for. And think about it. Would Dezz have wanted this? You ever even think about what Dezz would want? Cause we all know very well this is far from it."JB leaned down putting our little brother in his place.

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