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"Who's your friend that likes to play? Bing bong Bing bong."I sang quietly, walking downstairs with LJ on my hip.


"Yes baby?"

"Where's daddy?"

"Ugh- He's Ugh. I actually don't know where he is. Thank you for reminding me to find out where my fiance is baby. Go play."I kissed her cheek before setting her down, ushering her to the other kids.

"You lost Ian again?"jeremey asked from the breakfast bar, I walked over to the coffee pot pouring some into a mug Ian got me a few years ago.

"He's very quick on his feet. One minute he's there and the next he's just gone. He's also very quiet too. You'd never see him coming."I rambled while pouring some creamer into my coffee, I closed it setting it down looking at Jeremey to see he was looking at something behind me.

"He's behind me isn't he?"I sighed, he nodded.

Just than two big hands grabbed my waist and turned me around pushing me against the counter.

"Am I quick on my feet?"Ian grinned down at me.

"Shush you."I smiled, pushing his face away, getting out of his grip.

I reached for my coffee furrowing my eyebrows when I didn't find it, I looked down seeing it was gone.

Just than Ian rounded the island to sit by jeremey with the same cup in his hand, he sat down taking a sip.

"Perks of liking our coffee the same."he grinned, taking another drink.

"Fuck you."

"Been there done that."

"Okay nope. I'm done."jeremey gagged getting up going to the living room, I giggled looking at Ian.

"Your really getting a dad bod."I teased, hopping on the counter in front of him, he adjusted my legs so they were on either side of him.

"Yeah. That's what happens when you have a kid. Incase you didn't know."he came closer, wrapping his arms loosely around my waist.

"Huh. That's weird. Cause I don't have a mom bod but I have a kid. And have been pregnant multiple times."I grinned down at him

"Multiple huh?"

"What can I say? I was pretty busy on my little new York spree."

He smiled widely, bringing his face up to mine, kissing me roughly but very passionately.

"Fuck! Get a room you two!"we pulled away looking at the back door, Ivy and Pietro stood there with there hands over each others eyes.

"Oh please. I'm sure you've done the same thing with your baby daddy and baby mama."I chuckled resting my head on Ian's.

"Plus that was nothing. We've done way worse-"I cut Ian off by smacking my hand over his face, only covering his mouth and nose though.

"Okay yeah I'm done."the two walked into the living room refusing to look at Ian and I.

"I think they hate us."i laughed

"You think?"Ian smiled up at me, looking like he was in a trance almost.

"You okay?"I nudged him

"Never been better."he reached up, kissing my nose.

"Your so cringy."I pushed his face away.


"So, Nova, what're you doing for the wedding?"V asked while I refilled franks glass at the alibi.

"Wedding?"frank asked looking up.

"Yeah. I'm marrying Ian, frank. Y'know your nephew?"

"Seriously, I thought he was gay? But for real though Nova you could seriously do wau better than that queer. Like Lip for instance. I'm sure the boys got no lady yet."frank rambled

"Actually he does, and he has a son with her."I laughed, wiping the counter.

"We're invited to your wedding right?"Tommy asked

"Oh I was just going to invite Kermit, but he could always bring you as his plus one."I winked at the two with a grin.

"I liked you better ten years ago. When you weren't a mom, or had tattoos and dying your hair every other week. When I could actually tell what was about to come out of your mouth next."

I looked at V with a grin, then we both bust out laughing.


"Oh nothing Tommy."I giggled filling a glass of beer for Kermit.

"Look, there she is!"I heard by the door, my head shot up with a wide smile.

"Oh there's my baby! Hey Ian."I went around the bar taking LJ out of Ian's arms. I cuddled her close rocking her back and forth.

"Mommy missed you."I smiled kissing her face making her giggle and push my face away.

"Oh there's the kiddo!"Frank said from the bar, believe it or not, frank loved LJ, well he loved all his grandkids but I think he liked LJ the most. Even though she's not actually his grandkid.

I set her down watching her run over to Frank, he lifted her up with a grunt, holding her carefully.

"He never acts like that with anyone."Ian said, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Yeah I know. I think he really likes her. And she likes him."I smiled laying my head on his chest.

"Hey, I know this may be a touchy subject but, have you ever thought about having another one?"he asked, turning me to face him.

"Another what?"

"Baby. Like trying again, cause what if she gets lonely?"he glanced over at LJ who was eating crackers with Frank.

"She won't get lonely Ian, she has Franny, Fred, Sage, Pietro Jr, all of her cousins."

"Yeah but they won't always be there. Lips trying to sell the house, were gonna have to get our own place eventually. We can't always live with him especially not after we're married."

"We'll get a dog or a cat."

"I'm okay with that, but still, I don't think it'd hurt to at least try."

"Okay okay, fine. I'll think about it."I smiled up at him.

"Yes! Thank you thank you, I love you so much baby."he grinned kissing me all over my face.

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