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"Gay Jesus? Are you kidding me Ian?"I stormed into the kitchen slamming the paper onto the table making him stop pouring coffee and look at me.

"Yeah, I'm gay Jesus, what about it?"he shrugged taking a sip.

"Are you stupid, Ian? Do you understand what you've done. What you've started?"I leaned in closer to him.

"Where's LJ?"I spoke before he could looking around for my daughter.

"She's sleeping in my room, why? It's my weekend."he asked following me upstairs.

I walked into his room seeing she was laying there awake, smiling when she saw me.

I grabbed her diaper bag picking her up turning to Ian, "You can see your daughter again when your done with this phase."

"What? Are you kidding me you can't do that! You can't keep my daughter from me, Nova."he chased me into the living room.

"Watch me, Gallagher. Like I said, when your done trying to get yourself killed. You can see her again, I'm not going to let my daughter stay here with a target in her dad's back. Someone could walk in here any day, and kill all of you. And I don't want to risk her being here when it happens."I turned to him adjusting LJ on my hip.

He looked between my eyes, mouth hanging open, "Nova, it's okay I'm safe. Just don't, please don't take her."

"Ian. I really don't want to keep her from you, but I have to if it keeps her safe."I looked at her than up at him.

"Nova-"he called out after me when I walked out the front door and a couple houses down to mine.

I walked into the living room surprised to see all my siblings there spending time together.

"LJ? I thought it was Ian's weekend."Jason asked

"It is."I set the bag down taking a seat between Pietro and Jug on the floor letting her crawl around.

"Why is she here then?"he asked

"Cause I don't want my baby to get killed, okay? Is that good enough answer for you?"I looked up at him.

"I'll explain later."I sighed smiling when LJ giggled when Pietro leaned over smacking Jug.

"Just like her mother, laughing at violence."Jug wiped a fake tear.

The whole day and night we pretty much just played board games, or actual games, watched movies and ate junk, until right before we were about to put the twins to bed.

"Mom?"Ivy stood at the door making Pietro Jug Jason and I all share looks.

"Ivory, oh how you've grown. My beautiful babygirl."she waltzed in causing the twins to look at her.

"Mommy!"they yelled running to her making me flinch looking at her oldest faces.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to my Bullock kids reacting like that at my presence. Except Destiny, of course."she looked down noticing the sleeping baby in the pack n play.

"Who's baby did you kidnap?"she turned to Jughead.

"That's not mine, that's your daughter."she looked between Ivy and I. Probably not knowing which since we would both go out and get pregnant.

"Well, she's a ginger. So I'm guessing it's Nova's."she picked LJ up.

"How does her hair color say who her mom is?"I asked standing up.

"Because you are a natural blonde, and the only man I know with red hair is Ian Gallagher. And I know very well, none of you would have ginger children. Unless your spouse is one."

"Why."Pietro asked

"Because the ginger in our family is a, every other generation type thing, incase you couldn't tell."she looked between all of us.

I looked at all my siblings' hair than my own. She's right for once.

"But the twins?"Jason asked

"Husbands a ginger."

We all nodded and I took LJ from her.

"Well, I'm gonna go put her in my room. Jason and Jug, your turn to put the twins to sleep."I looked between my two brothers who groaned grabbing a kid and going upstairs.

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