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A baby's first birthday is supposed to be amazing, rememberable, majestic, and a grand time. Something no one will ever forget.

But hopefully, we'll all forget about LJ's.

As it was, what some may say. A tragedy.


Worse than a tragedy.

A nightmare.


"God could this day get any worse?"I shouted tugging at my hair spinning around when someone said yes.

"A huge car crash just happened over by the El. One of the people that were identified was Vincent Bullock."Jason told me reading from his phone.

"Is he dead?"I asked, that could make this day better.



"No, but one of the deceased was just identified as another family member."he looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Who?"I asked panick running through my veins.

"Janine Bell."he looked at me with dead eyes.

"Mom's dead?"ivy's voice came from behind him, we both looked at her, seeing the twins, Pietro and JB standing there with her.

"Mommy?"JJ asked

"She's gone? Like actually gone?"JB asked

If anyone were to have the worse relationship with our mom, it'd be Jughead. She always picked on him the most as kids. And he grew to hate her more and more every day. Always found an excuse not to see her when she'd come back, whenever she came up in a conversation he'd either leave right away or change the topic immediately. He hated her with all his heart and I don't blame him whatsoever.

"Yeah. I guess she was coming back or something. Saw someone crossing the street, just so happened to be dad. Tried swerving but she hit him and crashed pretty hard into a pole, dad's in critical condition and she's dead."

"Wow. I can't believe it. Shes a actually gone. Like dead."Pietro sat on the couch looking between us. Our attention turned to the twins when they ran upstairs sobbing.

"C'mon."I looked at my siblings chasing after the two youngest.

"Is mommy really gone?"AJ asked tears and snot running down both their faces.

"Yeah."Jason mumbled.

That just made them cry more.

"Hey look at me. You guys are two young to understand, but our mom was the shittiest mom to ever live. I mean look at what she did to you guys, she dropped you off on our doorstep cause she heard one of her kids died and she didn't want too, so she dropped you two off with her kids that actually took care of the ones she didn't want. She didn't want any of us. All of us realized, you two need too get that in your brain. Okay? She was a shitty mom that didn't want any of us."JB tried convincing them.

"But she was still our mommy."AJ sniffled.

"But she was a bad mommy."JJ wiped his nose making us share looks.

Was he getting it? She didn't want them?

"What're you saying JJ?"Jason asked getting closer

"She was a really bad mommy, she hit us. She used us to get beers for her and daddy, she abandoned us. And AJ needs to get that and not waste tears over her."


"Are you okay?"Ian asked looking down at me

I nodded giving him a glance.

"Hey, look at me."he lifted my chin, he watched as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Why are you crying?"

"She's finally dead, Ian."

"What? Who?"

"My mom, she died. This morning, she got into a car accident that also involved my father, sadly he's still alive but he's in critical condition."

"Why didn't you tell me? I'm so sorry are you okay?"he pulled me into a hug, I nodded sniffling.


"Who's that?"Fiona whispered while we watched Pietro walk in with his arm hanging off some girls shoulder, the two laughing loudly.

"To be honest, I have no fucking clue."

"Oh, hey guys. What're you doing here?"he looked at all of us in the living room.

"One, this isn't even your house, and two why wouldn't we be here?"Fiona asked

"Oh, it isn't? My bad."he went to turn around but I shot up jumping over the couch, almost hitting Ian and Jug in the process.

"Woah woah woah, where do you think your going? Who is she?"I grabbed his shoulder making him look at me.

"Oh, her? Yeah this is Veronica."

"Okay, what is your relationship with her?"Jason asked taking a sip of his beer.

"Girlfriend."he grinned down at her, she smiled scrunching her nose, taking ahold of his hand that was hanging off her shoulder.

"What? Since when?"

"Since like three days ago, keep up people gosh."

"You never told us."ivy spoke up

"Just did, like I said, keep up people."

I should smack this little boy.

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